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Blue tang hiding, will it die??

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Hi all,

I have a 2-3" blue tang and its missing for 3-4 days. So out of desperation on finding the fish/corpse, I took the rocks out and examine them. *guess it will stress it more*

And yes, I found it hiding, still alive DEEP inside one of the holes. It has not been eating for days, will there be any problems? Is it stuck? Because my first tang died because it's stuck.

Any advice will help. Thanks!

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Hi vivian, blue tangs have a tendency to hide itself in crevices of rocks. I had a blue tang that hides all the time in between the gap of two rocks, but he does still come out for food. Since yours isnt eating, your best bet is to put him in a seperation box, and entice him to start feeding on mysis or pellets. Once he is feeding, you can release him.


I Love Stagsss

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My experience with Blue Tang is yes when newly intro to tank, they tends to shy and hide among rocks for couple days, there after, they will be hyper swiming all over the tank. And go back into hiding when lights off.

As above mentioned, if you can get it out into a separation box and entice to feed. that will be ideal. Try all option if BT still hiding. It should not be hiding for so long unless been harress by other fish.

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  • SRC Member
Hi all,I have a 2-3" blue tang and its missing for 3-4 days. So out of desperation on finding the fish/corpse, I took the rocks out and examine them. *guess it will stress it more*And yes, I found it hiding, still alive DEEP inside one of the holes. It has not been eating for days, will there be any problems? Is it stuck? Because my first tang died because it's stuck. Any advice will help. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How long has your tank been running and what the size of your tank
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  • SRC Member

Blue tangs or hippo tangs ALWAYS do hide and more so in tanks which they are new to.. Was it introduced after u already had fish? If yes is any particular one bothering him? Has he developed ICH? Isolation box is a good idea but has been known to stress the out further. Try different foods misys brine live food pods algae and pray for the best. If some fish is troubling it (and is normally another tang) try the mirror tech with the other tang..

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My blue tang started off hiding in rocks when first introduced into tank. After a year, once it's more familiar with the environment, it started to attack my bigger yellow tang. There's always enough food however, I saw that my blue tang seems aggressive in nipping their fins. Even the lawn Benny swimming past his sight, was attacked.

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HI ALL! Thanks for your replies!! It's out swimming and snatching other fishes' food. Guess it finally realized that it's hungry.

My blue tang is always sticking to my yellow tang. And I'm very glad to see them doing it tgt again! Thanks again'

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HI ALL! Thanks for your replies!! It's out swimming and snatching other fishes' food. Guess it finally realized that it's hungry.

My blue tang is always sticking to my yellow tang. And I'm very glad to see them doing it tgt again! Thanks again'

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Good good, happy for u, Sis

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  • 1 month later...

Important that it must eat. No eat, no live. This principle apply to all fishes and whether they hide or not. In my tank all my fishes grab their food. Any fishes that can't grab enough food will not survive long because I can't afford to throw so much food for the weak fish. The other fishes will eat more than they need. My filtration can only cope tat much.

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  • SRC Member

Blue Tang... they are simply too good. They can slot itself into Rocks.

Moreover, they can get out by engaging their 'Go Stun' Gear and reverse out ....

They are just that Shy yet Fantastic.

Enjoy ya.

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Sometimes I collect the seaweed from our local sea n feed my tangs. I choose those soft n fleshy green and brown types. Dont put all into tank at once else tangs will eat all in one day n pollute tank. Keep them in hospital tank n slowly put in some over a week. Tangs will love fresh seaweed

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

My blue tang also don eat at first. Always hiding at e back of e rock. For first few day I have try to feed all kind of dry food i have and seaweed. Same they dun eat cos they r stress. you can try the red plant (buy from marine shop) when the tang is not so stress they will start to eat the plant. Slowly they will eat all kinds of food

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