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is this ich?

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Brooklynella, early stage freshwater dip may help, but your fish looks quite severe. Need to separate this fish in quarantine hospital tank for treatment. Try Google Brooklynella treatment. Cheers..


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Is the clown eating and is he active? If both answers are YES I would let him be. Yes it will spread but trust me the harm is already done. Isolating him will only stress him out. Clowns are hardy and should bounce back. Depends on what other fish u have. Any sensitive ones? Look out for them. Feeding and activity are two main barometers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please CATCH out your clownfish IMMEDIATELY! Its the dreaded clownfish disease Brooks!

Thankfully brooks only usually attack clownfish, it rarely hit other fishes. However brooks is so deadly that it will definitely kill your clown within two or three days.

If treated early a medication i tried is very effective. "Interpet Number 7". It can be found more commonly at freshwater stores. It is not reef-safe. No reef-safe medication for brooks by the way.

But what is important is to quickly catch out the clown from spreading to other clowns. If treatment is too late at least you will only lose that one clown and not your other clownfishes.

Brooks is very hard to remove from a reef tank. What u can do now is to stop adding clownfish for many months until your tank is stable. After that only buy healthy clownfish that has been in the LFS for some time. In that way you can minimise the likelihood of brooks coming back again.

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