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Moving tank

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  • SRC Member

Hi guys, never move tank before so may I know when I engage movers to shift my tank location, do they remove all the rocks and water and then move? I was wondering how they can get back the same placement of rocks.

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  • SRC Member

Hi bro

You better engage a tank maker for that more safe... Or Call 2 or 3 friends reefer to help you..

You need big tub to store your water and fishes and also retun pump to put back your water from tub to your tank ..how big is your tank ?


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It's not safe to have items in the tank when transporting. This is one of the problems I faced when I am setting up my tank now. Will need some time for the tank to settle at the new location, so mean while the live stocks need to find another place to be kept. Rock placement won't be 100% but you can get back roughly the same setup. If you are adventurous you can try this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_balancing Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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How heavily stocked is your tank, As flo mentioned, you need to transfer all the Live stock into another bucket before your move your empty tank to new location, than re-load the tank immediately. Is really case to case to give proper advise. Where is your location. where you want to move to etc...May be get a few friends to help if possible. 2 feet cube still manageable.

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  • SRC Member

Few fishes only. Around 6. Small ones like 6 line and yellow wrasse. But many Lps corals. Thanks for the gesture. Appreciate it. This forum is lovely. :). I may just take this opportunity to upgrade to a new bigger tank since it seems quite a hassle.

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Please dont use back the old sand, if your tank is already established for some time. Thats my only advise =D
Tofubox bro, What's the reason for not using back the old sand from an established aquarium? Not even after some rinsing in the original tank water? Thanks.


Aquarium 3 - 250 liters with sump and refugium

Jebao DC 6000 pump with speed controller

Skimz skimmer

AI Hydra 52 HD

Hailea HS-66A (1/4 hp) chiller

Maxspect Gyre

TLF Phosban reactors with Phosban

Tunze nano osmolator

Marine Magic Triplet Dosing


Aquarium 1 - 27 litres

Atman HF-0600 HOB filter

Maxspect Razor Nano 60W (10,000 K)

AOL 60 litres chiller

Tunze Nano Osmolator



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The thing about old sand is alot of detritus has accumulated and build up over the years. Yes, you may still go ahead and use back as long as u wash it very thoroughly with the original tank water.

Main reason why people tend to take the opportunity to replace their sand bed during movement of tank is because over time, the sand bed would have absorbed alot of phosphates, this in turn will be abosrbed by any base live rocks in contact with the sand. Hence resulting in leeching phosphates constantly. Many reefers who have algae problem often over look the fact that their base rocks are leeching phosphates accumulated over time from the sand bed.

Since you are moving / starting new. Its a good chance to change over the sand, and this new sand can last you many years to come. Alternatively, you can just ditch 1/2 old, and replace with 1/2 new.

That said, it also depends on how old your tank has been and what the overall bioload has been like all these while. It may not be an issue for you if its a relatively new sand bed with normal amount of bioload.

Just an advice, since i made this mistake when i changed over my tank, and used back my old sandbed, my phosphate would not drop no matter the amount of water change i did. Eventually, i threw the entire sand bed away, and my phosphates dropped right away.


I Love Stagsss

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Thanks for the good advice because I'm getting my new tank in a few days time and I will bear that in mind.


Aquarium 3 - 250 liters with sump and refugium

Jebao DC 6000 pump with speed controller

Skimz skimmer

AI Hydra 52 HD

Hailea HS-66A (1/4 hp) chiller

Maxspect Gyre

TLF Phosban reactors with Phosban

Tunze nano osmolator

Marine Magic Triplet Dosing


Aquarium 1 - 27 litres

Atman HF-0600 HOB filter

Maxspect Razor Nano 60W (10,000 K)

AOL 60 litres chiller

Tunze Nano Osmolator



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  • SRC Member

Bro thanks man. I stay Bukit panjang. Near near. :). Not moving the tank any sooner yet. in a couple of months time only. so I'm still have time to contemplate what's my next step.

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