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Just averted disaster...


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  • SRC Member

just to share this incident last night...

i came home to find something amiss...

i opened the cover to find the tank almost going to overflow....

my sump was almost empty and the return pump was blowing bubbles

(lucky i measured the water volume corrctly)

i quickly turned off everthing and let the return flow suck the tank water back to the sump.

turns out that my usually trusty overflow durso standpipe

was stuck.

upon dismantling, i saw a turbo snail wedged inside,

but thats not all....

my black blenny (lept into overflow night before, to lazy to fish him back to main tank) was firmly stuck in between the turbo.

together thay had effectively stopped the return flow :shock:

if i had come home an hour later, goodnss knows what might have happened...

already the water was touching the end caps of my actinic lights...

if they had flowed out to the power outlets :(

what are the chances of the snail( who survived by the way)

to collaborate the scheme with the blenny?( didn't make it)


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That was what happened to me also. I did not realise it as I was using auto water top-up, it was until when turned off the pump for maintanence that I realised that my sump almost overflow. Luckily for me, my snail didn't get help from other fishes.... :D I think it will be a good idea to cover the intake of the durso pipe with netting.

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  • SRC Member
maKo Posted on Feb 21 2004, 02:13 PM

  Have you been watching Finding Nemo lately and your tank is facing the tv set... 

YES ! n YES! :lol:

just got the DVD ;)

norman, you're right,

should never take anything for granted..

will be covering up the holes and also

will install a sieve to prevent fish from getting into the overflow ;)

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I also stopped snails clogging the overflow pipe problem with the netting.

But you'll have to check during maintenance if the netting itself gets clogged.

Coralline algae I scrapped off my glass using the Mag-Float form the majority of the debris found clogging my netting.

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