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Butterfly fishes

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Hi bro. I am also interested in keeping butterflies. Currently am keeping a Horseshoe butterflyfish (Chaetodon pictus),a falcula and a banner (Heniochus acuminata). Been keeping them for a year. It's important that there are no bullies in the tank so that they fed well and not stressed. This will keep their immune high to resist diseases. Its really difficult to keep ich at bay. Every new intro of new fish is very high chance of having another bout of ich infection. Copperband are cheap n easy to start but its difficult to find species that are not captured using cyanide..They will feed well for 2 to 3 months n stop eating then goes downhill very fast. To start new butterflies feeding, try chopped squid meal. They just love it. Hope this helps. My other fishes are tangs (11-13yrs old!), damsel and clowns. The damsel is 14yrs old.
wow, your tangs are more 11 year old, can you post some picture? Very interested to find out the color and size after more than 11 years in captivity.
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Hi bro. I am also interested in keeping butterflies. Currently am keeping a Horseshoe butterflyfish (Chaetodon pictus),a falcula and a banner (Heniochus acuminata). Been keeping them for a year. It's important that there are no bullies in the tank so that they fed well and not stressed. This will keep their immune high to resist diseases. Its really difficult to keep ich at bay. Every new intro of new fish is very high chance of having another bout of ich infection. Copperband are cheap n easy to start but its difficult to find species that are not captured using cyanide..They will feed well for 2 to 3 months n stop eating then goes downhill very fast. To start new butterflies feeding, try chopped squid meal. They just love it. Hope this helps. My other fishes are tangs (11-13yrs old!), damsel and clowns. The damsel is 14yrs old.

Hi, the falcula is nice. izzit readily available at LFS?

And you are really a good master for keeping these fishes for so long!!! They are lucky!

I have a copperband and pakistan now. Also have a Platax pinnatus (Pinnatus batfish), the biggest resident in the tank right now. Agreed with you that keeping ich under control is darn too difficult. That's why I chose a fowlr setup so that I can dose copper to control it. My experience with butterflies is that they are usually the ones to kenna fluke as observed with head twitching actions. Hence my fish first aid box always have copper and prazi for treatments.

My other fishes include AT, BT, regal, flame angel, coral beauty, flameback, royal gamma, orchid dotty.

My experience tells me to get a feeding fish from the LFS is the best bet. If they eat, survival chances are higher. That's why I'm willing to pay premiums at times for pellet trained fishes...

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I got my falcula at LFS at pasir ris farmway 2. Most of time I prefer his fish than other lfs further in. Got it at a steal $15 n its 2inch long n saw it very active. Did not manage to get him to demo feeding. Also bought the Horseshoe at same size n price n a long nose butterfly m the banner. The long nose did not survive long due to bullying by flame clown. Have since renegade flame clown to sump tank. It also killed my blue lip angel. Even my fingers are not spared by flame clown when I am cleaning tank. Teeth are small but super sharp..hahaha. The banner was small at 1 inch long n thought it cant survive but surprisingly it can eat a lot n super fast. Now its almost 2in after 1 year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will try to post some photos took in 2006 and now. But how to upload photos? Sry I very saku

Took some photos of my tangs n butterflies. Its so difficult to take a good still shot of the tangs.

Not sure if I uploaded the pictures correctly. Here goes.

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Bro u should be on this page first right?


Once u "Choose File" and "Attach This File", its not over, there should be a thumbnail at the location circled blue.


Then you have to "Add to Post" for it to be inside ur post. Thats pretty much it.

However, I suspect your pictures cant even make it to the thumbnail as if it was, it will still be inside ur post as "Attached Thumbnails" at the bottom. One possibility is that your pic size is too big or the website doesnt recognise ur img format.

As I mentioned, the pic below, of my avatar is listed under "Attached Thumbnails" cause I didnt "Add to Post" after attaching it.

Hope this helps.


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Bro BomBom,

Thanks for the pointers.

I could not see the option "add to post" as shown in your circle blue after I "choose file" and "attach this file".

Very odd. The one image file is jpg 4Mb size. Its taken by my galaxy s4.

Not sure why can't upload it. Will try to resize it smaller n try again. If still cannot then will go bang Admin table...hahaha.

Thanks anyway bro.

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