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clown fish info

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Clownfish are protandrous hermaphrodites. They are hatched as sexually immature fish. Based on signals from their environment and being physically mature (12-24 months) they will either remain sexually immature, change into a male or change into a male then female. This is a one way trip, sexless to male never to be sexless again and male to female never to be male again.

How to pair a clown fish

Grow out

Purchased two juvenile clownfish of your choice at the same time and introduced into the tank at the same time. The fish will establish a dominate submissive relationship as they mature and eventually form a pair bond. This technique works the vast majority of the time except for the maroons...

Believe it or not, the female are the dominant ones!!!

Notes: Since the fish are going to fight and/or chase each other to establish who is the dominate fish and who is the submissive fish, it will often speed the pairing process and reduce fighting and potential damage to the fish by getting one of the two juveniles larger than the other.

Signs that u have a pairing clown fish

There are a couple of signs that a pair bond has formed and is maturing in your clownfish in addition to submissive behavior. Typically mated pairs (pairs that have a pair bond) will sleep in the same area. They will also host in the same host or stay in the same territory if there is no natural host present. The two fish will stay close to each other the vast majority of the time.

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- if you have a maroon/ golden maroon, i would not advise you to add any clown fish to your tank.

- you can try to buy the same species of clowns and keep it separated first for two days, feed your existing clown heartily and have a big anemone to house both clowns.

good luck bro

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Do they pair well in a community tank ( with alot of other bigger fishes )

I have 2 common and 1 golden maroon but kept together with big Angel and Tangs.

I wonder Do they still pair, they does swim together.

How to tell their Age?

Mine about 1 inch and the other 1.5 inch.

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