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Bubble coral damaged by skimmer inlet

[P]owder Blue

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  • SRC Member

Woke up today and found half of my bubble coral's tissues got inside the water intake inlet of my Prizm skimmer. Managed to pull it out, but found that in the process I have torn part of the tissues of the bubble coral. :( Question is will the bubble coral still survive? Pretty sad coz this coral is being with me for quite a while ...

What can I do to save it?

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Nothing much actually. Damaged is already done to the coral tissue. The tissue will rot off the skeleton. Watch out for nuisance algae may that grow on the dying/dead parts of the skeleton, causing further irritation to the rest of the coral.

Wait, how in the WORLD did you coral get sucked into your skimmer?? :huh:

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  • SRC Member

I also thinking.. in the intake inlet?? .. the holes are very small leh.. and I tot bubbles are like a whole piece. If I remember correctly, even small guppies can't get pass the prizm skimmer inlet.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

Does it mean that half of it will rot away? Goodness .... :(

Actually I placed the bubble coral about 10cm away from the inlet, however most of the time the bubble coral, when fully expanded, will somehow touch the inlet a little... guess I might need to move it further away ..

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