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marine velvet or?

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Hi guys, need some help here, cant diagnose what is wrong with my emperor angel. It lost appetite and becomes more lethargic. Attached are some images, hopefully the pics are good enough, cant tell from my untrained eyes if its velvet or some other disease.

Other tank mates seems to be fine, does velvet affect only 1 fish or it attack all of them at the same time? Thank you!










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Marine velvet have a more "cotton" look like comepared to ich. I just lost my hybrid powder blue to marine velvet. kill the fish in less than 12hrs after i found out. The fish was actively feed the day before and in the morning. Marine velvet will attack most fishes if their immunity is compromised.

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Check out the detailed post on ich treatment. If your angel is new (less than a few weeks) then it is probably hopeless. If it is older, than there is good chance of survival. Either way, I would quarantine to protect the other fish. I'm not optimistic because you say the fish is not eating. You have a choice between risking health of the other fish and putting the angel in another tank, or leaving it in the display and hoping for the best. Do not medicate the main tank.

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