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Deep sand bed


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Learnt something from my lecture today...it was for soft sediments in natural habitats like mangroves, etc...not sure if applicable to marine tank.

Anyway..it goes something like this...

During warmer temperatures, metabolism of organisms increases, leading to increased oxygen consumption. Thus, the layer of sediment will have a thinner layer of aerobic zone on top, followed by a thicker layer of anaerobic zone below.

In cooler conditions, water has the capacity to hold more dissolved oxygen. Metabolic rates of organisms decrease, using less oxygen as a result. Thus partial pressure of O2 in the water is higher. This results in the sediment layer being composed of a larger proportion of aerobic zone...with a smaller proportion of anaerobic zone.

If the above can apply to reef tanks, if I ever upgrade my tank in future, I'll keep my temperature at 27-28 degrees celcius already. No point chilling it to 25-26. At such temperature, nitrate should be more efficiently controlled due to the thicker proportion of anaerobic zone.

Well..what you guys think? :)

Always something more important than fish.


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I like how you think. ;)

But with increased heat.... means increased metabolic activity, increased ammonia toxicity, increased wastes, increased chances of bleaching if there should be a one or two degree spike.

At the heat range you're proposing, its still possible to keep a reef tank but you should know they prefer a cooler environment for long term health.

I highly doubt if this will greatly affect the effectiveness of the anaerobic zone of DSBs and dense LR.

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That's when AquaCs, H&S, EuroReefs come into play....combined with relatively low fish biomass.

Hmm..then you can witness even faster rates of calcification at such temperatures. :eyebrow:

Maybe next time will get a chiller. Chill to 27 enough already. Save electric bill also. :lol:

Always something more important than fish.


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