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Pictures of my Tank

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  • SRC Member

bro ,

juz my 2 cents worth ....

drop the airstone thingy at the back of the tank ..... , i know you are using a airstone PS but that doesn't mean that you have to add that in

also c that you uses a top filter .... use for the LH fishes ..... not really a good thing in marine .... also dounno what you have inside there ???? :blink:

also , i c that you have a few piece of corals here and there .... would like to know what are youre water parameters first ??? if they are not good for corals than it will be a really sad end for the corals ??? :cry:

btw , is your tank those sell by LFS for the LH ???

last but not least , i think 1 of your coral is heading towards the road of death ....

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which coral??? cannot prevent it? water parameters ok leh check no2 safe ammonia safe kh 7

ph 8.3 :blink:

the top filter got bioballs and activated copper wif polyfilters

tank bot at marine LFS they said can rear marine fish that was before i knoe this site ok :(

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  • SRC Member
which coral??? cannot prevent it? water parameters ok leh check no2 safe ammonia safe kh 7

ph 8.3 :blink:

the top filter got bioballs and activated copper wif polyfilters

tank bot at marine LFS they said can rear marine fish that was before i knoe this site ok :(

My one cents worth.

especailly for small tank always use polyfilter to help get rid of the ammonia and other toxic. Infact it is a must have item in my 6 ft tank.

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  • SRC Member

You mentioned 36W 10000K PL.. but how many?

Your tank looks very new... may ia ask how old is it?

You have a anemone . This guy needs alot of light, so do the torch coral.

Your torch coral does look too good... watch it :shock:

You also have a sun coral and a coliflower , they needs lots of feeding, if not wrong feeding is done at night.

Watch your creatures, a new tank with these guys dying slowly no now fun at all.... :cry2::cry2:

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  • SRC Member

Sun Coral dunn need much light one..

And marine tank dunn really need bubbles.. The produce salt creep.. Looks weird.. Maybe you have the Marine Aquarium screensaver? That gave you the idea of the bubbles?


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  • SRC Member
You mentioned 36W 10000K PL.. but how many?

Your tank looks very new... may ia ask how old is it?

You have a anemone <look like a purple tip species>. This guy needs alot of light, so do the torch coral.

Your torch coral does look too good... watch it :shock:

You also have a sun coral and a coliflower <dun know how to spell>, they needs lots of feeding, if not wrong feeding is done at night.

Watch your creatures, a new tank with these guys dying slowly no now fun at all.... :cry2::cry2:

Hi: sun coral is it also a plate coral. how to feed tham?? please advice

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  • SRC Member

Hi: sun coral is it also a plate coral. how to feed tham?? please advice

At first if they dunn open, try hand feeding them one by one with mysis.. put it right up to them.. After that whenever you feed your fish with mysis, they will open up..

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  • SRC Member

I think that:

there are too many fish for a 2 ft tank, the grouper will grow and it eats a lot.

The sun coral won't last if you don't feed it properly. In a small tank, the amount of food it needs tends to pollute the tank fast.

the luohan filter produces a lot of heat and is not very effective.

Your torch coral is shrivelling up because of the heat. There is not enough lighting.

The blue sponge in the background probably won't last very long. It is delicate.

Judging from your sand color the tank looks very new. I think you should do more research first.

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due to aggressive nature i banish it in a hatchery but now given away to the LCK 110 uncle liao...

lessen my bio load by a little bit hehe :D

by the way the torch i have open up fully during the day and under alot of light leh...how come it needs low light leh... plse explain

and also sun coral dun like strong lights izit? I tried feeding them with mysis with tweezers one by one they open very nicely leh. the pic was taken during feeding time.

now my tank got only 2 percular clowns only (too many fish meh) :P

when i bot the blue sponge i forgot and accidentally took it out of the plastic bag when it reach home i knew it wont last very long so kept praying for miracles loh

tank only bout 3 months old btw whats coliflower???

Yup i do feeding at nite onli

the stupid filter i have is those for luohan one, *@!@#$ the LFS said ok to keep marine fishes (didnt do any research at that moment)

now saving to but one good one...wait for ang bao $$


oh i have polyfilters wat with activated carbon (sorry not copper) and bioballs thinking of putting some coral chips

mv3i-you said that one of my coral dying which one?????


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What's polyfilter ? Izzit the blue or green biomat ?

Also what's mysis ?  :thanks:

Polyfilter is typically white in colour and is capable of absorbing load of contaminants and toxic materials. Its can be quite a lifesaver.

Mysis shrimps are used to feed fish and corals.

Hope I get this right....hehehe :P

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  • SRC Member

lonteoh- Totally different, biomat is a home for bacteria, Poly filter absorbs toxic chemicals(like Activated carbon & seachem phosguard).

$$ for biomat & $$ for Polyfilter very big difference.

Brine shrimp & mysis shrimp are 2 different shrimp, look at the pack contents u will be able to see.

Anakjoh, can also try frozen brineshrimp,chopped silversides & squid.

Wrassy- No point in coral chips in the overhead unless u understand that it just becomes a home for bacteria like ceramic rings, Not much help from the bio balls in the overhead either(unless u got the 3 tier overhead). Maybe just ceramic & floss or just floss. Watch for salt spray on the lights & all over the filter- u will get tired of it soon.

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  • SRC Member
I have some activated carbon, but quite hesistant to add to sump tank as was told that it also absorb some of the good stuff other than the toxins. My 4 2 2 tank is newly setup. Is it appropriate to introduce the carbon now ?

wat gd stuff? :pirate: ...i dun thk so...carbon will only remove undesirable elements like smell, colour etc?never know tat carbon will remove gd stuff :blink:

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