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Copper DT & add new fishes?

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No medication..unless fish show signs of sick, eg. White spots/patches on body, Coloration, weird behavior, etc.. Most of the time it's by feel.. I trust seachem products..cheers
Bro. If during QT of new fishes no weird signs observed as mentioned, fish put into DT and outbreak disease like lympo, wouldnt the QT efforts be wasted? Would you recommend prevention better than cure to dose low levels of medications to kill off any potential hidden diseases first?
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Bro. If during QT of new fishes no weird signs observed as mentioned, fish put into DT and outbreak disease like lympo, wouldnt the QT efforts be wasted? Would you recommend prevention better than cure to dose low levels of medications to kill off any potential hidden diseases first?

Bro, I feel that medication will stress the fish..plus u won't know what medication to dose without any symptom..QT the fish for longer time might help and it oso depend on what fish..the most important thing is the fish must b hunger for food..after QT, must acclimate the fish in sump or beta box in DT..cause the water in DT n QT is not the same..after QT if sickness will to surface, it's fate n luck..it's either to catch him out for treatment or cure in DT or leave to fate..cheers

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Bro, I feel that medication will stress the fish..plus u won't know what medication to dose without any symptom..QT the fish for longer time might help and it oso depend on what fish..the most important thing is the fish must b hunger for food..after QT, must acclimate the fish in sump or beta box in DT..cause the water in DT n QT is not the same..after QT if sickness will to surface, it's fate n luck..it's either to catch him out for treatment or cure in DT or leave to fate..cheers

bro,if after qt d fish for a month then acclimate d fish in a box,how long will d whole process be?and what fish need longer what fish need shorter time?I just bought a 9in black tang.so how long should I qt it?pls advise.thanks in advance.

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bro,if after qt d fish for a month then acclimate d fish in a box,how long will d whole process be?and what fish need longer what fish need shorter time?I just bought a 9in black tang.so how long should I qt it?pls advise.thanks in advance.

Bro, like I have mention earlier, I m still junior, powder series tang r the most dangerous..black tang shd b no problem..important thing is does it eat well n how much u trust it's source..acclimating it is to ensure it adapt well to ur tank water n eat well plus lesser stress when face other fish in ur tank..I have now prefer to buy fish from Reefer or from LFLFSS that keep the fish for sometime n eat well..so far no problem at all in my young 5footer..cheers

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Bro, I feel that medication will stress the fish..plus u won't know what medication to dose without any symptom..QT the fish for longer time might help and it oso depend on what fish..the most important thing is the fish must b hunger for food..after QT, must acclimate the fish in sump or beta box in DT..cause the water in DT n QT is not the same..after QT if sickness will to surface, it's fate n luck..it's either to catch him out for treatment or cure in DT or leave to fate..cheers
Bro, thanks for the clarification. I always have the misconception that we need to do the prevention by dosing light medication in QT for new fishes even if they show no signs as lfs always put all their new fishes in some yellow medicated water before they change to the normal seawater. Thought we should carry out similar treatment for longer periods in our QT to make the fish very stable. Thanks for clearing the thought. Cheers.
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Bro, like I have mention earlier, I m still junior, powder series tang r the most dangerous..black tang shd b no problem..important thing is does it eat well n how much u trust it's source..acclimating it is to ensure it adapt well to ur tank water n eat well plus lesser stress when face other fish in ur tank..I have now prefer to buy fish from Reefer or from LFLFSS that keep the fish for sometime n eat well..so far no problem at all in my young 5footer..cheers
Bro what do you mean black tang should be no problem. You mean black tang won't get ick easily? Hmm... worth a try. Btw do you keep black tang before just asking. I also think to put one in my reef but always afraid of ick. Too ex for me. But from what you just said I will try soon.
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Bro what do you mean black tang should be no problem. You mean black tang won't get ick easily? Hmm... worth a try. Btw do you keep black tang before just asking. I also think to put one in my reef but always afraid of ick. Too ex for me. But from what you just said I will try soon.

Bro, I have not keep black tang b4..reason being too ex..I have yellow tang n Scopas brown tang..both r Hardy fish so black tang being same family of tang shd b alright..buying n keeping fish really depend on a lot of fate n luck..hope all go well for all Reefers..cheers

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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  • 2 weeks later...

Have resign to fate, Seems like my DT have to go into FOWLR. Reason, tried 3 batches of fishes, all started well for the first 2 weeks, but the ick started surfacing upon 3rd week and getting worst with every other fishes day after day.

I intend to switch over FOWLR, than buy another batch of fishes to start all over again.

Need some advise as to how to adminster Copper into DT,

From the page 1 thread, It says to build up copper to 0.3 - 0.5 level than add fishes.

So what is the killing level of ick meaning copper at which level is most effective on ick?

Which brand of Copper is best recommended ( of course indiividual preference and luck I guess)

Maybe just advise your success and process of adminstering.

I am desperate as I have many attempt and still losing the battle to ick. (at the edge of giving up)

Some kind of advise needed. And Sincerely appreciated.

Can even call me at 96516230 if you need details of my current situation.



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Oops...1 more question is can we administer copper into tank with Live rock, Will copper kill the invert inside the LR and if yes, will it foul the water in the DT?

So sorry...Sometime the more I read, abit confused. because we read part of another thread and cannot correlate them together with others, but the facts are definitely there. Only I am confused.


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Thanks, but I added copper without removing the LR, as I can't bare to see one after another fish dying. 3rd day and seems like the ich is dropping off from my fishes. Purple Tang is obvious cover all over and now spotless. Hope the copper is effective. Will monitor for another few days before adding new fishes.

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Thanks, but I added copper without removing the LR, as I can't bare to see one after another fish dying. 3rd day and seems like the ich is dropping off from my fishes. Purple Tang is obvious cover all over and now spotless. Hope the copper is effective. Will monitor for another few days before adding new fishes.

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Thanks, but I added copper without removing the LR, as I can't bare to see one after another fish dying. 3rd day and seems like the ich is dropping off from my fishes. Purple Tang is obvious cover all over and now spotless. Hope the copper is effective. Will monitor for another few days before adding new fishes.

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Thanks, but I added copper without removing the LR, as I can't bare to see one after another fish dying. 3rd day and seems like the ich is dropping off from my fishes. Purple Tang is obvious cover all over and now spotless. Hope the copper is effective. Will monitor for another few days before adding new fishes.

hi tony,is very risky to add copper with LR.Not advisable.
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Hi Sharma,

What are the potential risk as I already done it. Appreciate your advise so that I can remedy or prepare for the worst.

Infact I am thinking to add new fishes soon. Fifth days on copper, Purple tang seems to recover and started taking food.

Do you mean the copper kill the LR and up my nitrate? since dead rock decompose internally.?

Than I better check this out before replenishing my stocks.....thks



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