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Change water is unavoidable especially small tank. It just like our stomach where water and food go in and there is nothing come out and what will happen. Even if ur system put with all necessary equipment to keep the water condition, it will need beat change of water. Do remember our tank is very small compare with ocean.

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Hi bro, for nano tanks, u definately need to keep up with the water changes. preferably once a week. once its more stable, bi-weekly shld be fine. Also depends largely on ur bioload. More fishes more crap in water, without a skimmer, no doubt u need to change the water. As for corals, u need to have good water parameters, usually water change for nano solves the problem. Even with a skimmer, u still need to do waterchanges regardless. For small tank, water change dont take long, drain out 20%, fill it up and done. With the money u invest on corals n fishes, trust me, the weekly water change is well worth it.

Both the skimmers are great option. Depends on ur budget. And yes u can go without sump. but basic filtration should still be used. i.e Canister filter. And if u intend on upgrading anytime soon, just go for the bigger tank right of the start.


I Love Stagsss

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Well, if thats the case, u should be asking how often can u do water changes?

Else,use a hang on skimmer and hang on filter for a small tank. Keep the bioload low until u know ur tank can handle it better


I Love Stagsss

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Water change once a week should be ok. Prefer to have all equipments(Skimmer and filter) inside tank. Found out that bare tank is cheap but with ios, it become quite ex(Bare tank abt $50, with ios abt $200) Thinking which way to go. haha

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Haha, get a ios tank bro, i know there are a couple of AIO (all in one) marine nano tanks now adays, (kinda costly in my opinion). alternatively, u can custome build one. I'm using a 2.5ft tank, with 0.5 being a side IOS. U can try custom a 1.5ft tank with either back overflow or side overflow of 0.5ft. If u do decide to go with a custome built nano tank, make sure u get the dimensions of ur skimmer right, else u be screwed end of the day. Also make sure the water lvl for the skimmer compartment is right if using an in sump skimmer.


I Love Stagsss

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  • SRC Member

Hi TS, I used to have a small office tank with HOB filter in my office. Although I diy a skimmer within the HOB filter, the setup is not sustainable over time due to fluctuating water parameters. If given a 2nd chance, I would make use of the cabling hole at the corner of my office desk to route a pair of hoses to a bigger sump under my desk. This way, water volume can be increased while hiding the skimmer, ATO & pumps under my desk. LS would also get a better surviving chance.

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