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DIY Auto water top up

salted fish

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  • SRC Member

just thinking. Looking at the first pic. It seems to make use gravity. Should there be a mishap (leak, hole, etc), would the the water just keep flowing into the tank? I can't imagine coming back to a tank of diliuted saltwater.. :blink:

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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good leh, no need electricity

try out a small DIY this weekend, see how this work.

DIY a Auto Top up Box (2liters) container (remember must be Strong & Hard container), is EZ and it work very simple.

sorry no digital cam, will try to take picture and post here.

tips of the day. Use small diameter water hose, better for gravity matter, water flow slow and steady.

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  • SRC Member

i was just thinking....

1) a small diameter air tube for the water flow would be good as the suction pressure will not be too great.but then again i am afraid that the siphoning action might juz stop.

2) the air inlet pipe should be bigger in diameter.in such a way, the water outlet pressure will not be able to over-power the air inlet. imagine if u haf a air tube as the air inlet and a 4inch diameter pipe as water outlet, i think the water outlet pressure will be so great that the water in the sump will be suck into the container....

3) why is the U-shaped air inlet pipe required.i tried to imagine the air inlet pipe to be a straight pipe without the U-shape, and i think it should work equally well.

4) since this auto-top up is using the gravity-siphoning action, the container should be place as high as possible.

5) i am thinking of DIYing one with a 10 gallon container, the material is the same as the kind of container used to sell dish-washing liquid.its quite rigid but of coz not as rigid as a acrylic box.

advise / comments anybody??thanks

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  • SRC Member

hi everyone,

seems like many people are interested in ths product...

just want to remind you all to think through your system setups to make sure that it is fail-proof. A previous thread, http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12434 reminded me that I need to ensure that my overflow pipe is clogfree, otherwise my main tank level will rise while the auto-topup keeps releasing water to keep the sump level constant. Then when you shut down the system for maintenance there will be too much water and the system will overflow.

however you won't have this problem if you are not using a sump and are directly topping up into the main tank... :)

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