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Salt effect from Refugium


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

This may sound silly but I have never thought about it until recently the idea of having an extended refugium .

Say If I have a refugium under my Display tank inside my cabinet...

1. Does it mean that the water will evaporate and the salt water will affect the wood of the cabinet ? How does it affect ?

I know it corrodes Metal hindges & stuff ... Does it has an impact on my Wood of Cabinet ?

2. IF I clip a Dymax Light to the Refugium .. will the light parts be corroded too ?

Silly but I wanna know before I consider the refugium ..


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Everything in your set-up should be corrosion resistant. The evaporation is not a concern (only pure water and volatiles evaporate), but salt water splashing around will corrode things. If your cabinet is good enough for a display tank on top, it's good enough to have a tank inside.

As for the fuge light, as I said before, everything should already be corrosion-resistant. Don't use those cheap dinky $10 lights. There's that electricity mixing with splashing water thing to consider.

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Hey bro :) You need to know what kind of wood your cabinet is made of too. If it is made out of MDF then it'll be very risky in a high moisture environment.

Yours lights will depend on the brand/model. I have had experienced corrision in some lights even with my freshwater tanks. Just need to watch out for any salt water splashing and get lightsets that use less metal parts. Personally have used those from Aquazonic and no issues so far :) hope this helps!

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