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Fishes start rub on sand in 1 month setup tank - advise?

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Hi all,

I seeing some of my fishes start rubbing on LR & sand. Believe is itch or white spot, but I still can't see

any spot yet. And all fishes still eating like pig. Beside doing 10% water change, should I add medication?

Like seachem para guard ? Pls advise? Thank you

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  • SRC Member

Continue to keep water conditions good, feed enriched food, avoid stirring the sand bed. Once ich enters your tank it'll always be there unless you let it go fish less for extended periods. Best to help the fishes fight it off. Garlic enrichment is said to boost immune system.

If symptoms are severe, then medicate. Every hobbyist has their trusted medicine. Mine is Artemis from MicrobeLift.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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My midas and blue tang has this issue months ago. I went to buy garlic guard and soak with tdo plus cyclopeeze to feed them. Doing regular water change and added a cleaner shrimp. After a month of battle, all are cleared from Ich.

But that doesnt mean lch will never come again. Once the fishes are stressed or your water para is going downwards, lch will plague :)

All the best!


Tank : 24" x 12" x 15" Acrylic Gex Tank

Lightings : Maxspect Razor 120W , Maxspect G2 160W ( Sold )
Skimmer : Red Sea Prizm
Dosing : Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter7,
Brightwell Aquatics Biofuel, Florida Aqua Farms It's Clear,

Florida Aqua Farms Coralline Stimulator.

Wavemaker : Tunze Nanostream 6015

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You can read on the parasite and disease section in this forum. Theres 2-3 ways that 100% remove lch but must exercise extreme precaution !


Tank : 24" x 12" x 15" Acrylic Gex Tank

Lightings : Maxspect Razor 120W , Maxspect G2 160W ( Sold )
Skimmer : Red Sea Prizm
Dosing : Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter7,
Brightwell Aquatics Biofuel, Florida Aqua Farms It's Clear,

Florida Aqua Farms Coralline Stimulator.

Wavemaker : Tunze Nanostream 6015

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  • SRC Member

Currently there are no proven reef safe medication that cures ich

Most effective being copper. However many had success with just feeding with garlic and maintaining good water. But also must remember ich will always be in ur tank from now on. It will only be gone if you leave ur tank empty for a couple of months.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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If the fish didnt getting serious or white dot appear, not encourage for any medication. It will only further stress the fish and go more worst. When my purple tang start scratch LR, i start garlic guard mix with pellet n seaweed n 2nd day happily swimming.

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Garlic will boost the immunity of the fish to fight against diseases themselves. Use copper if you are keep FOWLR or running a hospital tank separate from display tank as overdose of copper will cause fish not to eat and if you dose direct in display tank it will harm livestock if you have invertebrates/coral .

It is best you can find exp-ed reefer staying ard you to help you.


Tank : 24" x 12" x 15" Acrylic Gex Tank

Lightings : Maxspect Razor 120W , Maxspect G2 160W ( Sold )
Skimmer : Red Sea Prizm
Dosing : Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter7,
Brightwell Aquatics Biofuel, Florida Aqua Farms It's Clear,

Florida Aqua Farms Coralline Stimulator.

Wavemaker : Tunze Nanostream 6015

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Any experience reefer advise? Fyi, yesterday all fishes was still ok. Then over the night , I switch off the big wave maker & on the other small wave maker. In the morning, I found all my fishes have white spot. Now my big wave maker is on..does this strong wave help reduce the itch? My 6" blue angel is not active now...should I do copper treatment?

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I cant help u much but for my situation is :

White spots only appear at night and disappear in the day.


Tank : 24" x 12" x 15" Acrylic Gex Tank

Lightings : Maxspect Razor 120W , Maxspect G2 160W ( Sold )
Skimmer : Red Sea Prizm
Dosing : Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter7,
Brightwell Aquatics Biofuel, Florida Aqua Farms It's Clear,

Florida Aqua Farms Coralline Stimulator.

Wavemaker : Tunze Nanostream 6015

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Any experience reefer advise? Fyi, yesterday all fishes was still ok. Then over the night , I switch off the big wave maker & on the other small wave maker. In the morning, I found all my fishes have white spot. Now my big wave maker is on..does this strong wave help reduce the itch? My 6" blue angel is not active now...should I do copper treatment?

Why turn off the big wavemaker and turn on the small wavemaker at nigh? Normally no need to do that.

Is there any corals in the tank and any intention to have corals? If answer is no for all, then you can add copper. Do it slowly to prevent stress.

Good luck!

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  • SRC Member

Keep Doing WC..and Keep Feeding food with selcon and garlic..Also if becomes worst setup a qt..Thats the best but ..if its not that bad..good wster with good food might help them..I Have Tried Polylab Medic With Good Results+its Reef Safe..You Could Consider That too..Garlic implimented with mysis helps too ..if you do need to use copper i would suggest a Qt..bro All the best hope you win this battle!

300Gallons of Pure Goodness! >Dimensions 6x2x2 (Foot)

1: Maxspect 160 Watt qty-2

2: Vortech MP 40 Wes

3:Jaebao WP40 qty-2

3: Skimz Becket Skimmer/ Ehiem 1260

4: Dymax XC 900 Calcium Reactor

5: American Pinpoint PH Controller

6: Iwaki MD 55 And MD 70 (Return)

7: Hydra Aquatics FR45 Reactor

8:Hailea 10HP Chiller

R2R forum->>>http://www.reef2reef.com/forums/photography-forum/154896-ashwins-reefing-photography.html

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