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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 20 Jan 2014 - 26 Jan 2014

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Iwarna @ 1545:

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImageAssorted amazing colored rock anemonesPosted ImageJuvenile queenPosted ImageGoodsized royal grammaPosted ImageSailfin blennyPosted ImageLettuce nudibranchPosted ImageRicordea ricordea

Chalkbass, gorgornians, blackcap...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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T95 has Indian Ocean shipment ! :thumbsup:

More than 10 pcs of Emperor (small to large size adults), Blue face, blue lip , nice size Koran , Naso Tangs, paired maroon clown, XL PBT and many other fishes.

Go grab for first hand pricing before it is sublet to other LFS.

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  • SRC Member
looking for Ritteri Anemone/Magnificent/Heteractis Magnificent Anemone, anyone seen it?
Beng/Pinnacle usually had them for like 8 gold coins but its those brownish ones with the random purple/green tips. Henry brought in a nice yellow one quite a while back which I got for 4reds1green. Maybe u can drop by to enquire?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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  • SRC Supporter

Beng/Pinnacle usually had them for like 8 gold coins but its those brownish ones with the random purple/green tips. Henry brought in a nice yellow one quite a while back which I got for 4reds1green. Maybe u can drop by to enquire?

thanks bro!

anyone spotted any of those could you pls keep me inform, thanks!

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  • Senior Reefer

Is there still sharknose goby left from LCK's ORA shipment?


Update LCK as of today 5.30pm.

tons of yellow, blue and sharknose neon gobies.

plenty of ORA sankeyi dotty backs at 4.5 red notes each. amazing price, gorgeous and rare fish.

the rest of the ORA stuff are normal and staples.

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Anyone spotted Peppermint Shrimps?


Note to self, bring reading glasses when buying corals.

Saw a few peppermints at pacific as of thursday....

Posted Image

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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