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Does anyone know what is the power consumption of a 150WMH bulb using a 250W MH ballast fixture? Is the power consumption based on 250W even if a 150W bulb is used?

Also, does anyone know where to get the protective glass for MH - read somewhere that tempered glass can be used, can anyone confirm? any other alternatives?



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it is dangerous for mixture 150 mh bulb and 250 watt mh ballast it operates under normal conditions my advice if you purchase 150 mh bulb mixture it with 150 mh ballast.

for protective glass mh bulb it is ok to purchase standard glass or tempered glass minamal range to mh bulb between 15-20 cm

my job is selling complete reeftank setup for 8 years


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  • SRC Member

U can use 250W ballast for the 150W bulb but thats dangerous. Ur bulb might explode and cause some other things damaged.

The 150W ballast is better as it limits the current so it is actually dont damage anything in case something happens

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  • SRC Member

the power consumption will base on your ballast....

the bulb will not blow or explode, i'm pretty sure of that caused i'm in building management line and seen my tech using doing that (using $150W bulb with 250W ballast) , but of course, the diferrent should not be too much- ag, a 400W ballast running a 70W bulb, sure the bulb will blown in no time.... same thing applies to FL tubes, you can always run a 20W FL tubes using 36W ballast, or 36W FL using 55W ballast....

however, according to our maintainance executive who always scolded the technician whenever he saw this kind of things happen... the life span of the bulb will be shorten tremendiously if this is done...

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