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Coral banded shrimp vs hitchhicker crabs ?

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I've notice lots of hitch-hiker crabs in my live rock recently . I've tried the shrimp bait method but it only seems to work on my hermit crabs and doesn't even attract the hitch-hikers at all .

Should i remove all my live rock and rinse them in tap water ? I did this one and it did help me remove one crab , however just when i thought it was all over , i found like alot of these , but they were relatively small in size . I was wondering if i could get a natural predation of these crabs , and since they are still small in size , maybe the coral banded shrimp might just be able to kill them .

If this isnt possible , what should i do ? remove all my rocks and give them a good rinse?

If i really did do that , would the other organisms die off and cause a ammonia spike ? Im afraid that the sudden change in salinity would kill off my beneficial bacteria .

Since they come out during the night and are roughly the same color as the live rocks , im not able to take a pic of it . However , i did see it eat one of my scarlet cleaner shrimp ( though im not sure if it was even dead before the crab got to it ) , also there's a yellow stripe blenny that went missing . Other than that , there are no other casualties . My hermits never went missing , my big turbo snails are doing fine , my small false clown is ok and my algae blenny is still mowing down algae .

Unlike the usual gorrila crabs , it does not have black tips and isn't really hairy , however it had some brown spots and shapes on its beige shell . Also , tonight i did see one of it grazing on algae matter?

Thats weird . I didnt had a chance to take a better look of its claws but they arnt really very big and definitly not black . It has good camouflage with the live rock . Anyone might know what it is ?

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