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Here's the list of 2nd hand equipment im looking for , please pm or leave a comment if you have that paticular equipment , thanks !

1) Jebao WP 40 wave maker

Condition : Anywhere from 7/10 - 9/10

2) Fluidized reactor with / without filter media

Condition : Anywhere from 7/10 - 9/10

3) Bio home filtration media

Cured / not cured also can

4) DI/ RO unit

Condition : Anywhere from 7/10-9/10

Must be able to hit 0 TDS

5) JBJ auto top off system

Condition: Anywhere from 7/10-9/10

Preferably 2nd hand items that you do not need to use anymore as I don't have alot of money with me currently! :P

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