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Aquapharm Cure-Ich : Difference in content


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Recently, my tank has an outbreak of ich and I am using 250ml bottle of Cure-Ich for treatment of the whole tank. I knew I needed more Cure-Ich for a complete duration of treatment and I ordered 500ml bottle from an online supplier before my current medication runs out. I just received my new bottle of 500ml Cure-Ich today and I opened the bottle and pour out the contents into a measuring cup for use.

Observation: It is very obvious that the newly bought 500ml solution is very concentrated compared to the solution from the 250ml bottle I have used earlier. The solution from the 500ml bottle has permanently stained the syringe I used but the solution from the 250ml bottle has not been able to stained the same syringe earlier.

It seems that some supplies of the Cure-Ich may be diluted. I was told of this a few months ago by a friend who found his newly bought Cure-Ich diluted compared with what he has used before. At that time I did not pay much attention on this as I wasn't using Cure-Ich.

Both my friend and I got the diluted Cure-Ich solution from 2 separate fish shops that are well-known in Singapore. (Not to mention the shops here. Shops may not be aware of the altered products they carry).

This is my 3rd day of treatment and I see no improvement on the fishes yet with the 250ml bottle. I will start to use from the 500ml bottle.

I took some pictures today to show the difference of the 2 solutions with same brand name. (The solution from the 250ml bottle is on the left).

Just want to share this with reefers here for awareness. Anyone with the same experience?

Thanks for reading.



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Hi there,

I 've also used the above cure for my fishes after dabbling with the other brands in the market. The dilution could be due to a different formulation viz. old stocks.

The main thing to note is that u need to use an alternative medication to stop the adverse reaction after the completion of the treatment.

The fins of some of the fishes started to fray (N.B.It's on the bottle that one needs to take note)

So I used a medication by Api to save the fishes.

The result: Some were saved but some still died.

I'd still use Aquapharm (my own opinion) should I get an outbreak of white spots.

Good luck.


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  • 4 months later...

I would agree to the difference. I had recently bought a new bottle of 250ml Cure-Ich and is so diluted that I have to over-dose to see the impact.

however, previously when I bought another 250ml in 2013, the solution is much thicker and 1.5cap would colorize my 15gallon tank a little.

the ich will be controlled by the next morning and I only need to dose on alternate day so my fishes would not be stressed.

with the new batch, I tried 2caps with no effect nor coloration, ich is still there. totally impact-less. I over dosed to 4caps and the ich grew worse on the next morning. it can only control for few hours (like human medication, need to take 3times/day etc).

hope aquapharm can correct this issue.

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