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Remote sump (2 connecting sumps)


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My new tank for new house. Will do a remote sump for ease of maintenance and isolate noise out from the living room. Aside to this, my return pump will be placed under the display tank (2nd sump) to minimize head loss. Will add another pipe from remote sump back to sump under the DT for emergency purpose but not available in picture above (to be added in later). Piping will be concealed under the tiles so I would like to get some feedback on the design and also potential issue that might arise in future.

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what's the distance like ?

I can foresee two common pipe problems:-

1. The underground pipe might burst, leak, rupture, pipe joint loosen

2. Choke may develop along the pipes (if the horizontal pipe is long), especially at the elbows.

If i were you, i wouldn't go for underground piping


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@angmoh - will use good piping and minimize joint. Sketch is not to actual scale. Distance about 15ft.

@kkk121 - i can clean everything in the yard and most importantly, isolate noise

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 4

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1st of all, what is ur tank size & specs?

IMHO, what noise u r isolating?..Usually sump tank will b below the DT inside a cabinet. Equipment like skimmer, return pump will b running in the sump. I would say little/almost cant hear noise from this 2 equipment. The most loud noise for me is my cooling fan. If u are running chiller, the noise will come from the compressor. Drop in coil will b best as compressor can b installed elsewhere.

For ease of maintenance, is it the remote sump to b at a wet area? It is good to have it at a wet area but if problem arise like what bro angmo say: Boom..sky fall.. More maintenance instead. For piping, problem like air lock is almost possible given that water need to flow up into the remote sump using siphon method. Like to ask for the tank below DT is it a tank just for the return pump? Given the return pump below DT, why not have the sump below?

There will be many ??? for this remote sump. The best is to have a fish room. "1000 Gallon 3D Hole in the wall" in members tank & specs will b a good read.

If I were to do a remote sump, there will b no tank below DT. The DT can be very deep given it can be above floor level like 1ft. If not, I don't see why sump tank is not below DT.

Happy reefing..

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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My return pump is very silent - using abyzz.

The remote sump will be at wet area. I m still exploring best possible option so any feedback given is appreciated.

On top of that, i will be growing mangroove so having it in the yard seem like a better choice.

Tank size 6 x4ft, about 50cm height. Sump size to be determined.

Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2

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Ok bro, I got what u mean..the remote sump will be a refugium rather than a normal sump that house skimmer, reactor, pump, etc.. Skimmer cannot put under sunlight.. Its good in a sense that the plants like mangrove required light n sunlight is the best to them.. Gravitation flow will b the highest concern here.. DT flow to refugium then to sump, back to DT.. Try not to use siphon method as there is chances of air lock.. For the refugium under sunlight, do note that water temperature is another concern too.. Maybe a rough floor plan will let reefers here understand better n advise according.. IMHO, hidden pipe is nice to have but nasty if problem arise.. Happy reefing

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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@kenyee...refugium,skimmer, ca rx,etc wil Be in remote sump. Basically only abyzz will sit in the sump under dt. Yard wont be exposed to sunlight. I will be using artificial light. On top of that, my chiller drop in coil will be placed in remote sump too. I will be using full siphon (herbie overflow) Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2

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Ok bro..I think ur remote sump shd make it bigger than ur DT for it not to b under ur DT.. if its not, the space under ur DT will b wasted..without fan or chiller compressor, the rest of equipment noise is softer than the overflow noise..so noise isolation being a reason is something to think of..refugium dun enjoy natural light and have artificial light and for it not to be under the DT is something to think of too..having such long pipes and to have it concealed underground is indeed risky..but in order to have a bigger sump is worth it..its something to think of too..the calculation of flow is a concern too..will the overflow match ur pump flow with all the long pipes is something to think of too..

Just my humble honest opinions..sorry if I confused or offended u..happy reefing

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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no worry kenyee. Nobody is offended, at least not me. I am posting this to gather feedback so i dont end up having issues in future. Remote sump and sump under DT (labelled as sump 2) size yet to be determined but will have adequate space for all the equipment as well as handle overflow water in the event of power trip

I don't get this part "refugium dun enjoy natural light and have artificial light and for it not to be under the DT is something to think of too".

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Ok bro..my explanation..if the refugium is not that big it can b under the DT n artificial light can support..unless the refugium is bigger or to enjoy natural light than its to b at different location n not to b under the DT..I do love to have a refugium that enjoy natural light outside my DT area but my CO will sure kpkb..haha

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Since this will be big project, you may want to consider extending the underground piping to drain to ease water changes. Of course need to add in ball valves. The advantage of adding the drain line will ensure that in event of tank relocation or maintenance, you can drain all water out of system. No stagnant under ground.

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