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How to boost up PH of water from Calcium Reactor?

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Start trying calcium reactor but knowing the water direct from CR is low in PH.

So want to check bros here what is the best way to boost up ph.

Dosing pump ?

Kalk reactor? Piping of kalk reactor is different frm CR.

Any other methods?


:superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman:

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if you are using a ATO system, try running a kalk reactor with it.

Else using kalkwasser drip method to top up.

You need to go slow on the powder mixed and slowly adjust to the best compensation amount to counter the CA reactor.

Else too much Kalk used. Your PH and KH will rocket. :)


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Is your tank enclosed area? If it not fully enclosed PH will not drop much. I got few friend using CA reactor without still kalk. PH from 7.9 to 8.3 is ok. Normally my PH drop around 7.9. Coral still doing fine.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

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Is your tank enclosed area? If it not fully enclosed PH will not drop much. I got few friend using CA reactor without still kalk. PH from 7.9 to 8.3 is ok. Normally my PH drop around 7.9. Coral still doing fine.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

I see. That s good news indeed. Seems I need to get my sump light on at n8ght to maintenance high ph for CR to buffer. Thanks bro

You can drip close to skimmer..will help to remove excess co2

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 4

Good idea.

Any media can maintian ph level at 8.3 and wont exceed ?except ph buffer powder.

If have. We can just drip the CR water on the media to balance the ph. And it wont go high also.

:superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman:

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Bro, I am not experienced with CR. Just some thought, since the PH drop is caused by the CO2 in the water and by reducing CO2 it will bring the PH up, it seems that airating will help. That may explain what PROX said since skimmer uses huge amount of air bubble. The CO2 will quickly removed with the bubble into the air. In sump we normally have macro algae with the lights ON. They should be happy with CO2 supply and they will consume it for the photo synthesis. Hence also reducing CO2 and will stabilise PH. (Just some of my thought though) Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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