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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 09 Dec 2013 - 15 Dec 2013

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Its another week... 2013 is ending... lets see some last minute awesome shipments!

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Updates by fish channel: African Powder Blue tang (various sizes), African Yellow belly blue tang (S), Atlantic blue tang (S), Yellow tang (S), African Midas blenny, African chrygoster clownfish, King angel (L & XL), Blueface angel (XL), Niger trigger (XL), African goldbar wrasse, Miniata Grouper (XL), Selene vomer / lookdown (XL), Springeri damsel, Golden butterfly (XL) All fishes are healthy and feeding

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Coming Japan Shipment at Iwarna on Friday (time to be confirmed) :

Japanese pygmy filefish (Rudarius ercodes, 3-4cm)

Elegant blenny (very adaptable to higher temperatures)

Japanese golden hawkfish

Eviota bifasciata (hard to find)

Prionurus scalprum

Chaetodon auripes (6-7cm)

Takifuga niphobles

Halcurias anemone (10-13cm)

Monocentris japonica (9-11cm)

Parapercis pulchella (8-13cm)

Asterina pectinifera

Metasepia tullbergi pair (tentatively reserved, orders can be placed for future orders)

Ptereleotris hanae

Meiacanthus kamoharai (only releasing a few specimens).

Juvenile interruptus angelfish (2-4cm) available for pre-order below 2k.

Don't ask me for pricing now, serious buyers do pop by directly to Iwarna to enquire on Friday.

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Always something more important than fish.


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