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quas111's beast tank 2013


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  • SRC Member

Oh ok. I think maybe seawater may not be the best choice for marine tanks then... but if I switch over to the triton system(which I am considering), I need real seawater, not a salt mix so I guess maybe a mixture of both may be acceptable

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  • SRC Member

I noticed that the macroalgae has been doing terribly currently. Its probably due to the low salinity. The red color branching thing is turning palish red and slightly green, and the capulera a is turning transparent and disintegrating. I hope they survive when the salt gets topped up!

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  • SRC Member

Posted Image just installed this seachem ammonia meter thing. I wont rely on it for solid ammonia readings but ill use it to see if the levels of ammonia are in the safe range to indicate any signs of trouble.

Anyone used this before? Any reviews or tips I could use?

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  • SRC Member

I used this and the ph one before. This one i find it v.reliable. once got ammonia, will change colour one. No tips, just suck to glass can already . But lifespan only 3-5 months if i not wrong.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

| Display : 48x30x22 Skimmer : SK-201 skimz

| Sump : 30x24x18 Wavemaker : 2x RW-15 , 1x RW-8

| Cooling : 1HP titanium drop in coil ATO : JBJ

| Lighting : ATI Sunpower 8x54w + 48x cree xte royal blue Return : Jebao dc-6000

| Dosing : Jebao dosing pump [ CaCl2 + NaHCO3 ] Pump :

| Reactor : FSZ Z160 zeolite reactor & phosban 150

| System : ZEOVIT

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Ydkm SPS reef

:wub: >><< :wub:

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udu4e5u6.jpg just installed this seachem ammonia meter thing. I wont rely on it for solid ammonia readings but ill use it to see if the levels of ammonia are in the safe range to indicate any signs of trouble.

Anyone used this before? Any reviews or tips I could use?

Not to be used for measurements but as a flag to tell you something is wrong with your tank. I have tested them in my tanks using ammonium bicarbonate. It really works.

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  • SRC Member

Not to be used for measurements but as a flag to tell you something is wrong with your tank. I have tested them in my tanks using ammonium bicarbonate. It really works.

err it shouldn't work with ammonium compounds. Ammonium is not dangerous but ammonia howevrr, will wreck havoc in small quantities. Ill still use it anyways. Perhaps your ammonium carbonate decomposed to ammonia water and carbondioxide, but its unlikely.

Well it really doesn't matter if the thing tests ammonia and ammonium because both can be used as signs of a problem

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  • SRC Member

I used this and the ph one before. This one i find it v.reliable. once got ammonia, will change colour one. No tips, just suck to glass can already . But lifespan only 3-5 months if i not wrong.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

the lifespan is 1 year long. Oh ok wow just stick to glass.. so simple.

Mine hasnt had a color change yet but the package said that the color will change after a few hours so ill wait

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err it shouldn't work with ammonium compounds. Ammonium is not dangerous but ammonia howevrr, will wreck havoc in small quantities. Ill still use it anyways. Perhaps your ammonium carbonate decomposed to ammonia water and carbondioxide, but its unlikely.

Well it really doesn't matter if the thing tests ammonia and ammonium because both can be used as signs of a problem

Of course not direct ammonia but the lesser but still dangerous by-products such as ammonium which is still harmful to LS. Maybe can just throw in some urine to test for ammonia if you like. Haha.

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  • SRC Member

Of course not direct ammonia but the lesser but still dangerous by-products such as ammonium which is still harmful to LS. Maybe can just throw in some urine to test for ammonia if you like. Haha.

lol its ok haha I ammonia and ammonium are similar enough. As long as it tests something useful im fine with it. It cost less than $10 anyways
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  • SRC Member

8months ago, i used the api ammonia/ammonium test kit to test my discus tank , the result is red LOL. Around 80ppm?? Its high. But my discus still v.happy and yet discus is known to be 1 of the most sensitive fish in fw. No casualties since ph is less than 7 in fw. If its above 7, all will convert to ammonia then gg liao haha

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

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| Display : 48x30x22 Skimmer : SK-201 skimz

| Sump : 30x24x18 Wavemaker : 2x RW-15 , 1x RW-8

| Cooling : 1HP titanium drop in coil ATO : JBJ

| Lighting : ATI Sunpower 8x54w + 48x cree xte royal blue Return : Jebao dc-6000

| Dosing : Jebao dosing pump [ CaCl2 + NaHCO3 ] Pump :

| Reactor : FSZ Z160 zeolite reactor & phosban 150

| System : ZEOVIT

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Ydkm SPS reef

:wub: >><< :wub:

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  • SRC Member

Im not talking about test kits but about the alert in tank device. Anyways I will check ammonia in the future should any problems arise as corals are definitely less hardy than discus

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  • SRC Member

Once your tank is fully cycled, ammonia readings should be zero. Don't really need to measure ammonia. Anyway in my exp, this test stip is quite insensitive to changes. Probably will be too late once it registers ammonia readings. If you are serious about getting ammonia readings, the best is to buy one of those test kits to measure.

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  • SRC Member

@comycus I noticed that it took nearly 4 hours to change from white to yellow. I got what I paid for I guess...

I just tested parameters(api & salifert)




KH: 9.5dKH


Ammonia:safe range

Parameters seem good but *sigh* cycle hasn't started yet. its probably due to the salinity problem. Either that or the macroalgae is prevemting cycle from starting. I just put in food to let the water get waste in it. I think maybe the live rocks may have been too *clean* and no dying matter etc. So cycle cannot start yet. Now I'll just wait

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  • SRC Member

Bro, No2 no need? Po4, KH and MG using what brand test kit?

NO2 is useless after cycle, so I'm not wasting money buying it now. All I need to test is ammonia and nitrates actually. I will wait for ammonia to shoot up, fall and nitrates to peak and the cycle would be over
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NO2 is useless after cycle, so I'm not wasting money buying it now. All I need to test is ammonia and nitrates actually. I will wait for ammonia to shoot up, fall and nitrates to peak and the cycle would be over
Me too. I skip No2 during my initial cycle.
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  • SRC Member

Been quite for a long time, and I apologise. I have put in some fishes and simple corals into the tank and all are doing fine. Only casualties are 2 coral banded shrimp which decided to crawl out of the plastic bag while acclimatisation. Some pics of the new inhabitants:Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

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