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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 25 Nov 2013 - 01 Dec 2013

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U can consider reef nutritions tigger pods... available at iwarna... most of the time.

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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According to iwarna post, it could b a cortez round ray, i might b wrong can go down and confirm with fuel... its very small and cute, smaller than a CD size. All prices pls enquire within...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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At lck Saw some AT, multicolor angel, flame angel, french, rock beauty, grey queen angel , mystery wrasse, white cap goby, neon goby, blue reef chromis, flame hawk, royal grama, black cap ect...

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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Fish channel: Lots of yellow tangs, Lots of Africa powder blue tangs. Lots of Atlantic Blue tangs, XL AT, XL grey angels, XL blueface angel, XL French angel, XL Earspot angel L and XL king angel, Africa lion fish, Somali butterfly, Africa Picasso trigger 3", Nigger trigger 5", Lots of blue eye anthias, Yellow belly blue tang S, Midas blenny, Vanderbilt Chromis, Mccosker flasher wrasse, Africa Goldbar wrasse, Flameback angel, Clownfish (Amphiprion chrysogaster),

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Fish channel: Lots of yellow tangs, Lots of Africa powder blue tangs. Lots of Atlantic Blue tangs, XL AT, XL grey angels, XL blueface angel, XL French angel, XL Earspot angel L and XL king angel, Africa lion fish, Somali butterfly, Africa Picasso trigger 3", Nigger trigger 5", Lots of blue eye anthias, Yellow belly blue tang S, Midas blenny, Vanderbilt Chromis, Mccosker flasher wrasse, Africa Goldbar wrasse, Flameback angel, Clownfish (Amphiprion chrysogaster),

Hi bro, do u know what the size for powder blue tang?
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Ah bac: 2 x golden angel (01 pellet feeding, 01 mysis feeding), 01 x pellet feeding multibar angel, morish idol, Koran, majestic, blue face, firefish, powder brown, power blue, clowns, clown tang, surgeon tang, etc (all pellet feeding)

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Any mid size ard 5 inch Blueface angel n blue ring angel?
Pinnacle has 3-5 pcs of 4-5" and another at around 7". Looks fat and healthy when I saw it yesterday.
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