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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 18 Nov 2013 - 24 Nov 2013

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ATs at Iwarna sold out.

Green banded sold out, next week 50 more coming. All $10.

Ruby red left some females, pre-order possible. Even better price.

Grissengeri sold out, pre-order possible. Less than $15.

White cap goby/shrimp pre-order possible. $50 per pair.

Do refer to our Facebook Page : Iwarna Aquafarm

Pictures are uploaded there for new shipments. Thank you.


*We have strict reservation policies for livestock, please refer to our sponsor forum for more information.

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Very good christmas offer for peppermint shrimp soon.

Do refer to our Facebook Page : Iwarna Aquafarm

Pictures are uploaded there for new shipments. Thank you.


*We have strict reservation policies for livestock, please refer to our sponsor forum for more information.

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ATs at Iwarna sold out.

Green banded sold out, next week 50 more coming. All $10.

Ruby red left some females, pre-order possible. Even better price.

Grissengeri sold out, pre-order possible. Less than $15.

White cap goby/shrimp pre-order possible. $50 per pair.

so sad, i am late for the AT!

can we reefers also pre-order the AT offer @90? i am sure there are many reefers willing to pre-order from you.

When is your next batch coming in? let us know.

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so sad, i am late for the AT!

can we reefers also pre-order the AT offer @90? i am sure there are many reefers willing to pre-order from you.

When is your next batch coming in? let us know.

Agreed. Alot of reefer will want to pre order the AT if @ $90. I also want to order. Let me know is pre order avalible.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

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Agreed. Alot of reefer will want to pre order the AT if @ $90. I also want to order. Let me know is pre order avalible. Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk
Yes! Yes! Pls do let us know if there's incoming ATs offer at $90 ea. I reckon there'll be huge response from reefers.
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Will update again once there is stock to clear. However if the AT has no teardrop don't complain, the nicer ones we tend to keep for regulars & for export.

Do refer to our Facebook Page : Iwarna Aquafarm

Pictures are uploaded there for new shipments. Thank you.


*We have strict reservation policies for livestock, please refer to our sponsor forum for more information.

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Will update again once there is stock to clear. However if the AT has no teardrop don't complain, the nicer ones we tend to keep for regulars & for export.

Good if come in small size AT as well..... :yeah:


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Ultra maxima clams at Irwana no more offer?Thought Irwana was clearing at $100 and when my friend went down was quoted $180 by uncle.

Still on offer. Will update the rest of Iwarna tomorrow.

Always something more important than fish.


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I was there this morning, and asked aunty about the ultra maxima, she said its on offer at $100... probly some staff are not informed of the sale. Its alright, just head down again and they will honour the sale. Its just a miscom

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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