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sea worm inside my live rock!


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First u need to identify what type of worms. The 3 most common seen, would be bristle worm, fire worm & bobbit worm.

It would be good to remove the bobbit, as it may attack smaller/slower fishes, although some reefers says they never had problem with it.

Fire worm too, remove it to reduce possibility that you may get stunk when u move the LR.

Bristle worm usually can leave inside as they are scavengers. But some reefers still don't trust them, so it is also removed.

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try to look around for it at night when it is dark. Have never succeeded in catching the worm before but you can try placing some food in the open for the worm to come out.

Tank: 3.5ft x 2ft x 1.5ft, 12mm

Sump: 3ft

Skimmer: Bubble Magus Curve 7

Lightings: Maxspect 15000k

Return Pump: Eheim 1252

Wavemaker: Jebao WP25, Jebao RW-8

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