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how long do you cycle your tank? 1 mth, 1 yr .....


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  • SRC Member

1st tank - 3weeks + (2ft)

2nd tank - 4days (3ft)

3rd tank - 5days (5ft)

4th tank - yet to be determined..... (?ft) B)

ke ke..... :lol:

4 days for 2nd tank? by using the existing sand + lr from 1st tank ah?? :ooh:

...what are u missing from your life?... dun wait till your last breathe before telling them that you care

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  • SRC Member

1st tank - 3weeks + (2ft)

2nd tank - 4days (3ft)

3rd tank - 5days (5ft)

4th tank - yet to be determined..... (?ft) B)

ke ke..... :lol:

custom made 8 feet lah.. with super depth and width.. :P

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

I had read a article somewhere regarding water cycling.

It says that there is never an end to water cycling. The

bacterias are always re-balancing themselves to suit

the env ... things will die off and decompose and the

bacterias will reproduce themselves to breakdown the

stuff. Then some of the bacterias will die off as there is

nothing for them to "eat" ... and the cycle goes on.

The initial water cycle process is just a "initial startup package"

to intoduce the necessary bacteria, that's all.

zephyros :blink:

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  • SRC Member
I had read a article somewhere regarding water cycling.

It says that there is never an end to water cycling. The

bacterias are always re-balancing themselves to suit

the env ... things will die off and decompose and the

bacterias will reproduce themselves to breakdown the

stuff. Then some of the bacterias will die off as there is

nothing for them to "eat" ... and the cycle goes on.

The initial water cycle process is just a "initial startup package"

to intoduce the necessary bacteria, that's all.

zephyros :blink:

i totally agree with you.

bacterias (good & bad) would die off if they were to starve. hence, even during the initial set up/cycling, there should be something for the bacteria to feed on. otherwise the bacteria might multiply & slowly die off. hence it's not the length of cycling period that matters; it's the quantity of beneficial bacteria that bred.

my 2cents.

...what are u missing from your life?... dun wait till your last breathe before telling them that you care

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  • SRC Member

for that, i happend to came across some ang mo website

they only take 2 week to cycle the tank~~ and corals doing

very well~~ as what Zephyros stated that there is never an end to water cycling~~~ their secret success in keeping corals alive and growing like no ppl business was to have some back up system for

bacteria~~ Solid DSB and so on~~

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  • SRC Member

Well one can always dreamz rite...

well I agreed that bact are always rebalancing itself to the tank's load. But i think the initial cycling is to introduce the bacteria and allow them time to establish themselve in number.

A new tank without any help. just an armonia source with media for bact to grow will need long for the cycle cos bacteria is in the air. Get transferred into the water and multiply. What we can do is help speed things up. By bact culture so no need so long. Cured LR provide an existing population that seed the tank.

And yes. my 2nd and 3rd tank use stuuf from my older tanks. I transferred all my life rock from 2 3ft tank that has been running for 3-5months before my new tank came. and i use water from 2 3ft tank when setting up the 5ft. so half the new tank water from old tank. and after a week i put only 3 small fish from old tank so wont overload the new tank and restart the cycle.

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  • SRC Member
for that, i happend to came across some ang mo website

they only take 2 week to cycle the tank~~ and corals doing

very well~~ as what Zephyros stated that there is never an end to water cycling~~~ their secret success in keeping corals alive and growing like no ppl business was to have some back up system for

bacteria~~ Solid DSB and so on~~

Yup, my 3ft tank took abt 2 weeks for the cycling with 18mths old cured Live rocks. 5th day add 2 small fishes, 1st week some crabs,shrimps and snails, 2nd week corals & more fishes. Take ammonia,NO2 & NO3 readings every day.......Only add more when readings are less than 0.3mg/l

10th day - 1 damsel died due to injury after being bullied

11th day - 2nd damsel died (reasons unknown)

30th day - Yellow sabae anemone & Curly Que anemone died due to "sunburn"

35th day - One hermit crab died

Present - Feather Star observed dropping some "feathers", leather shredding skins.

Rest of the stocks as per below, so far so good.....still monitoring closely.......observed after adding another powerhead for more circulation and flow, Anemones does not shunk or get "sunburn" so easily.



Reviving my reef tank :

Crystal glass 53" x 22" x 17" rimless (inclusive of 12"x22"x17" IOS)

Life Reef HVS3-24 with mazzei venturi

ATI Sunpower 8 x 39w T5 (4 x Blue plus, 2 x Aqua blue special, Coral plus)

ZET Light 3 x 3w LEDs moonlight

Arctica 1/3 Hp + 1/4 Hp back up

Vortech mp40w x 3 + Jebao wp25

Eheim 1264 x 3 + water blaster 5000

Vortech back up battery

TLF-150 + Rowaphos

Activated carbon

Kamoer 3 channel + CaCl2 + NaHCo3

150L Refugium with DSB, miracle mud, cheato

2ft T5 x 2 light tubes for refugium

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