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How many chromis?

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May I know how much you paid for it?
The prices at CF is very standard coz they go by a price list and they are quite reasonable that's why I like to buy LS from CF. I paid $6.70 for my purple dartfish. But you should check the price with them before you get them to catch the fish out for you just in case...
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The prices at CF is very standard coz they go by a price list and they are quite reasonable that's why I like to buy LS from CF. I paid $6.70 for my purple dartfish. But you should check the price with them before you get them to catch the fish out for you just in case...
Bro, can i know where is coral farm? Is it at lim chu kang?

Tank: 3.5ft x 2ft x 1.5ft, 12mm

Sump: 3ft

Skimmer: Bubble Magus Curve 7

Lightings: Maxspect 15000k

Return Pump: Eheim 1252

Wavemaker: Jebao WP25, Jebao RW-8

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So how you'll go to CF? Have to make appointment? Or only special guests are allowed to enter?


First time I went there one Sunday morning with my family.. and then this aunty told me this place is not open for public and she said this is a business place..then I blur and go away.

When was that? It was once not for public. But so far open already.

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The prices at CF is very standard coz they go by a price list and they are quite reasonable that's why I like to buy LS from CF. I paid $6.70 for my purple dartfish. But you should check the price with them before you get them to catch the fish out for you just in case...

Purple fire at $6.70 is quite a good price .

I tot the common firefish already cost abt $7.80 at coral farm .

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from experience, i gather that the dartfish jumps out could be due to aggression/stress from each other? i bought 2 purple fires from CF a while back (definitely not below $10) as i thought they were a pair because they were together in the tank. a few days later, after i didnt see one of them coming out at all even for food, it was on the floor. the other one, even after being chased by damsels and clownfish, still happily living in the tank. i think best to keep just one.

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