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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 11 Nov 2013 - 17 Nov 2013

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Fishes at fish channel now. All feeding on pellets.

Many Yellow tangs

Flame angels

Flame wrasse pair

Royal Grammas

King angels

Griffin angel

Rock beauty angels

Rainbow wrasses

Blueface angel

Popeye catalufa fish

Many Atlantic blue tangs

Rics glued on rocks

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Fishes at fish channel now. All feeding on pellets. Many Yellow tangs Flame angels Flame wrasse pair Royal Grammas King angels Griffin angel Rock beauty angels Rainbow wrasses Blueface angel Popeye catalufa fish Many Atlantic blue tangs Rics glued on rocks
Forgot about AT also
Fishes at fish channel now. All feeding on pellets. Many Yellow tangs Flame angels Flame wrasse pair Royal Grammas King angels Griffin angel Rock beauty angels Rainbow wrasses Blueface angel Popeye catalufa fish Many Atlantic blue tangs Rics glued on rocks
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  • SRC Member

From my lousy memory,

CF has many naoko fairy wrasse. PBTs, desjardini, yellow tangs, dispar and blue eyed anthias, lemonpeels and flame angels. Got a few colony of duncans as well which has been there for as long as i remember. many nice true perc pairs as well.

LCK Queens, S,M and L sizes. Many SM sized scribble angels. flame, asfur, goldflake. still got a couple of spses there. plus some hammer corals that looked good.

Ah Beng LCK surprisingly not open yet at the time i went around 11+am. Ah Beng Pasir Ris many clownfishes, dispar and blue eyed anthias, nice emperor angels. PBTs, regals, goby+pistol shrimp pair. was in a hurry there however noticed a very nice alpha male mc cosker wrasse which stood out among all the male mc cosker wrasse. not sure its still there or not.

TFC left with 3 ATs that are swimming together surprisingly without much aggression. Yellow tangs, flame angels, kings and a flame wrasse pair. mauritius/kenya shipment should be coming according to boss. hope so can come then diamond tail also come hahahahhahaa. :evil::evil:

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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