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need help. razor or jetlight


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i think zetlight more aesthetically more appealing. i'll go for that.

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Anyone can share which is a better light?

Hi bro,

I have no knowledge of the zetlight ZT6600 but I'm currently running a ZT3600 over my 2ft tank. I can say that the output is quite good and with 5 adjustable channels stimulating various times of the day, I think it's quite worth my buck.

That being said, I haven't used a maxspect before so I cannot comment much on how it compares and I would strongly advise you to physically take a look at how each fixture lights up the aquarium instead.

Of course, it would be good to compare on the forums but at the end of the day, each user will say their fixture is the best etc. HAHA

Hope that helps:)

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Hi bro, I have no knowledge of the zetlight ZT6600 but I'm currently running a ZT3600 over my 2ft tank. I can say that the output is quite good and with 5 adjustable channels stimulating various times of the day, I think it's quite worth my buck. That being said, I haven't used a maxspect before so I cannot comment much on how it compares and I would strongly advise you to physically take a look at how each fixture lights up the aquarium instead. Of course, it would be good to compare on the forums but at the end of the day, each user will say their fixture is the best etc. HAHA Hope that helps:)
Ok thanks anyway able to have sps inside?
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My own share of views :

Zetlight ZT6600 Pros :

-40W white multi chip

-good mixture of led colors

-moonlight guilding (not really useful for corals but pretty cool)

-4 channels

cons :

-40w white chip is just a single 12k white, which is not as good/useful as a white multi chip (warm white & neutral white should be mixed in)

-claims to use cree but no specific info can be found in their website

-appears to have no lenses

- more expensive then the razor 160w 16k.

- Obvious copy of the razor

- New in market

Pros of razor 160w 16k

- Warm white + cool white instead of green/red colorful leds

- Dual core Violets

- Uses Cree for all their leds other than the dual core violets

- Meanwell adapter

- sleek design with no big bulging fans

- good price point

- Good customer service (personal experience)

- Reliable and proven to work

- equipped with lenses

Cons :

- 2 channels only A & B.

- Moonlight even at 1% blue appears to be abit too bright to be moonlight.

- no big multichip led like the zetlight.

Thats all i can work out for now. the zetlight is definitely a workable unit but if it really comes without lenses, it will probably only be good with tank no deeper than 18". The 40w 12k White would probably do more harm then good if turned on too bright. However it's 4 channel controller can do better/more customization of color/spectrum compared to the razor.

i would still go with the razor because of reliability and the use of warm/cool whites as well as dual core violets, The price of the razor is hard to beat too.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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