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Azure Damselfish and Blue Devil Damselfish?


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I've been trying to positive ID this damselfish in the photo.

Some sites calls it Azure Damselfish and says is different from Blue Devil Damselfish, but others seems to suggest they are the same fish.

Any expert can help provide a positive ID on this? Tks.

Was think of adding a Royal Gramma to the tank, but I think they won't be compatible, right?


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Chrysiptera damsels (demoiselle) are often refered to as Blue Devils, as C. cyanea (not Chromis cyanea, another damsel) was one of the first fish kept, way back in the 1960's. Due to their aggressive nature, Blue Devil quickly became the popular moniker in English. As the genus has many members which have now become common in stores, lots of them various blue or blue-yellow combinations, Blue Devil tended to be applied to all. Not being a fan of popular names, I attempt to use the latin, as this is standard regardless of the mother tongue.

The Azure Damsel shown is C. hemicyanea (which means half-blue). C. parasema is blue with a yellow tail and often called Azure, as well, or yellow-tailed azure. C. starki and C. taupou are similar with yellow on different parts of the body. All good fish, but tend to get more adn mopre aggressive as they mature.

If you want a blue damsel that is less aggressive, look for Pomacentrus allenii. Stunning, smaller and considerably more gentle.


Jamie Vande

Vertex Aquaristik

Cologne, Germany



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