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real case scenario


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  • SRC Member

the plot:

1) i was at chompang admiring a clown in their tank.


1) an elderly men and 2 young fella +- 25 year old.

i dont know what actually trigger the choas.but the 2 grps are arguing about marine keeping

elderly men story: ( translate from mandarin to english) who say cannot use bio balls? who say must use thick sandbed? no lah i use

undergravel filter, nothing wrong what. i feed brine ok liow......i keep over 10 years... blah blah blah............

the 2 young fella say the opposite lah...

the moral of the story:

1) can we say the old methods are wrong.

2) have we become arrogant because we keep SW not FW?

3) have we become arrogant just because we know something, can identify all marine stock names , etc.......

me myself started about 7 years ago with the 'old' method. only now, my new 3 footer that i try things such as DSB, loads of LR and so on.

when i'm in the bus, i keep thinking... it seems like we like to bombard others with the slightest mistake they make. have we become

a society of arrogant fish keepers?

i am sure AT started like that 'ah lau' too right? :lol:

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  • SRC Member

true.. I still hear people's 4 feet above tanks using undergravel filters and all the old methods.. these 'old men' swear by it..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

aiyoh...not like that lah...

aiyoh...I eat more rice than you hor...

aiyoh...dun teach me something that I know more than you hor...

aiyoh...young punks...better be more respective to us old people hor...


Senior Citizens' Lingo that I heard before... :P

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  • SRC Member
ahahaahha!!!!! may we, 'apek' and ' a mah' should gather at void deck and play checkers and talk about the 'old' fish keeping time.

Dun wan checkers lah...dun know how to play...and I not so ancient leh... :lol::lol::lol:

'Risk' or 'Taboo' will be better...or what's the boardgame that is quite like 'Risk' also can... :P

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What's there to say? The advances in this hobby for the last couple years has been nothing short of amazing! Example: Today, keeping of acropora corals and growing them is so much easier compared to a decade ago!

You can credit it to the IT age, where speed and ease of communication and information sharing has made learning so much easier. The leaps and bounds in research and engineering of equipment has benefited the industry too.

If you want me to point out the major gap between the last generation and us, is that they have no access to such updated information or don't know how to harness technology like we do.

Ask a youngster reefer about the nitrogen cycle and he can rattle off the differences in aerobic and anaerobic bacteria's functions and what kind of environment they thrive in eg. different layers of a DSB.

Ask an 'old folk' (no offense) and he'll probably give you a blank stare and say 'bacteria is bacteria and bioballs can grow bacteria" and "I know because my father taught me that".

Anyway, we'll probably have some young punks a couple of years down the road trying to teach us some new fuddy duddy method and calling us 'old goats'! :lol:

It's amazing how much smarter mankind is today.

Today, we have sent probes to Mars, tomorrow we'll develop technology to have a reef tank in zero-grav! ;)

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  • SRC Member
Anyway, we'll probably have some young punks a couple of years down the road trying to teach us some new fuddy duddy method and calling us 'old goats'! :lol:

I'll shoot that bastard with my trusty .44 Magnum materia destabilizing dimensional phase invertion plasma ion hand cannon.


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yah,, reading from library books is much much slower than the internet.thus we learn more and faster.but that doesnt give us the right to be arrogant right?

Nope. That doesn't give us modern reefers the right to be arrogant. :erm:

And it also doesn't give 'old school' reefers the right to think they know better too. :unsure:

They can spend a decade still struggling to get a reef tank in a stable condition with archaic methods but a reefer these days can setup an awesome tank within a year. What's happening here? :idea:

Seniority doesn't mean anything these days. The middle-aged Manager sitting at the head of his section may probably feel a lot more important & experienced than the new fresh-grad managers under him who knows how to use the latest software to generate spreadsheets and churn out statistics in an hour. :heh:

When it comes to work applications, the old manager may not even know how to turn on a computer or read emails! :unsure: He can't apply his old work skills during his younger days in today's hectic and modern pace UNLESS he learns FAST how to USE and APPLY today's tech and know-how.

When the GM comes up to him and asks for something immediately and no one's around to run the figures for him, tell me how big will his sweat droplets will be! :paiseh:

I do fear about the future because you have primary school kids these days who can program a turnkey application and I sometimes don't even know how to fix codes to align an image properly! :ph34r:

Knowledge is THE key to success, not just in reefkeeping.

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