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How to pair true clown

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I have 3 of them and they are together for about 5 months and they still peck at each other once in a while... seems to be normal - at least its not fatal. They smallest dun seem to grow much but the dominant one is quite big from the time I bought it.

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I have 3 of them and they are together for about 5 months and they still peck at each other once in a while... seems to be normal - at least its not fatal. They smallest dun seem to grow much but the dominant one is quite big from the time I bought it.

Me too. At least the small still fight back and I still see it survived.

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  • SRC Member

Previously i choose one that is about same size as my existing one and place my new one inside a beta box.

Initially my existing clown constantly checking out the new clown inside the beta box, after a few weeks i begin to see my old clown exhibiting some submission position (Swimming sideways showing belly up) which makes me think it's a good opportunity to try and release the new one together.

After one hour, i can see them swimming together happily. But that's just my experience not sure will it works for your case.



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Previously i choose one that is about same size as my existing one and place my new one inside a beta box. Initially my existing clown constantly checking out the new clown inside the beta box, after a few weeks i begin to see my old clown exhibiting some submission position (Swimming sideways showing belly up) which makes me think it's a good opportunity to try and release the new one together. After one hour, i can see them swimming together happily. But that's just my experience not sure will it works for your case.
You are so lucky...
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  • SRC Member

I have a Trio (3).

Funny thing is that they don't fight (until now).

Smallest one remain small but the Big one is Huge.

From Trio. No fighting but no anemone for them to host so all 3 squeeze and swims and mess around together at the filter column.

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I have five small ones in my tank. They get along but the big ones still nip at the small ones. No signs of gross injury. It's how the social structure is formed. The picking is normal and healthy so long as the junior fish are not being seriously injured. The bigger clowns will slowly develop male gonads, then the biggest one will turn the male gonads into female.

If your clowns have been together this long, and the small one is still alive and eating well, I recommend just watch for secondary diseases from stress.

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