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Coral Reefs Survey

Fayne Ng

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Hi guys, is it possible to help me out in this survey? Currently, I am working on a coral reef project which comprises the conservation efforts and awareness about these corals in Singapore to Singaporeans.

It is really appreciated if you can spend 5 minutes of your time to make me understand you, a coral lover better.

The link is not a virus link. It's a Survey Monkey link. Thank you.


PS: if you have information about coral reefs breeding, some expeditions you went, you can share it here as well.

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Hi, one of the question might have some flaw. If i did not remember wrongly, its question 7 which ask if you joined any conservation club. If i clicked onto "No" it still requires me to select a club on the next question.



Maxspect Gyre

Maxspect Razer 120w 16k

H2O FR with Rowa

Eheim Universal 2400

BM Nac 5.5

JBJ Arctica 1/10Hp

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Hi all, sorry to make the inconvenience. I have updated the questions.

Yes it's a school project in tertiary level. I am working on a final year project.

About my project, I am working on a campaign awareness for the conservation and revitalization of the corals reefs in Singapore.

My objective is to

- revitalise the coral reefs in Singapore (I'm thinking of ways how to revitalise)

- promote the existence of coral reefs in Singapore

- create awareness of its beauty to Singaporeans

As I am still researching on the psychographics of the people here about corals, I have found out that 50% of the population in Singapore, and are native Singaporeans are not aware of the corals and their function in the oceans, although much has been done to promote and create awareness of the marine conservation.

Now that I have researched on the general public, I like to know more about the coral lovers, and think of a strategy to really reach out to people about our native corals.

Therefore, I need you guys a favour to help me in this survey so I can better understand the situation here and think of a strategy which will be offered to respective conservation groups or related government bodies as a proposal of conservation.

Thanks in advance!! Thank you!

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Sorry to bother, but I only have 9 people in the survey. I know you guys are busy reading avidly about corals, but can help to do the survey? Thanks!

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Done :)


Aquarium: 48" x 18" x 24" tank with 24" x 15" x 15" sump (approx. 150 gallons)
Equipment: Maxspect Razor 320W, Vortech MP40, Vertex Omega 180i, Eheim 1262 return pump, Hailea HS 66A, Bacteria King
Fish and coral food: Henry's Reefgourmet pellets, Preis coral energizer, Kent Marine PhytoPlex, Brightwell Reef Snow, Two-Little Fishies Marine Snow
Dosage: Triton Elements


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Thanks guys! Appreciate your help. Well, I have reached an increase of numbers, but it won't be enough to be as a public opinion. So.. help me do and spread the survey. Thanks!

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Thanks guys! Appreciate your help. Well, I have reached an increase of numbers, but it won't be enough to be as a public opinion. So.. help me do and spread the survey. Thanks!

i just help you posted on our facebook page :thumbsup:

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