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Siphon LS


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  • SRC Member

hi lona,

not really fully of worms. but you can see trails of the worms crawling below the sandbed. is seed my sand with LR & 10kg of #1 LS.

I attach a pic of my low budget tank taken ard 1.5 mths back. total cost less than $300 but doesn't include cost of my 4 yr plus remora PS & MH.

SAnd- 30kg of #0 less than $20

Rocks- 12kg. ard $110

Tank- free

Sump- free

2400L circulating pump- $65

1000L PH- $20

saltwater- $8.

pvc pipe, less than $5.

overflow box- cheap cheap.

Total ard $280 only

min rocks. cannot find rocks that time.

now alot of changes.

no more actinic FL, using a venture 10K bulb. like the colour alot.

Got another 7kg of rocks, so will be re aquascaping.

added a hammer & anthelia. now got 4 fishes. 1 pair of sebae clown, 1 orange skunk clown & a regal angel. 1 sebae anemone.

whenever i add some new stock, i will experience some bloom in algae , but after a few days, it will just disappear. so still stablising stage. WIll take new pix of it after i hook up all my equipments, redo my piping & beg my friend to lend me his digi cam again. wat you see now is more like a half effort job. example the piping. stay in in camp :cry2: I also got an overflow box at the right side of tank. use dark color acrylic so algae won't grow on it.

conclusion: go slow, lay a gd foundation. add things slowly & let yr sys adapt/cope before u add other thing. Save u tons of time & money fighting cyano & hair algae. cycle for 2mth plus before i add anything, my system now still need time to stablise, so won't be adding anything before CNY. Never believe in fast cycle & dump everything at one go! U are just dumping money into the sea! happy reefing!

Wei :)


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  • SRC Member
As long as the sand sifters aren't too big, it's good. Pods and worms help move water down into the deeper layers and most importantly prevent compaction and clumping. Since they are so small, the amount of water moved is very tiny, so it doesn't really affect the oxygen levels in the deeper layers.

Large sand sifters like gobies that dig deep are not such a good idea. They can cause some serious damage to the oxygen layers. People use a net to partition of the bottom layers.

In my tank, the top 1" of sand is in constant motion due to water currents and the denitrification still works.

What I can't understand is why the worms go and survive there when there is very little oxygen down there?

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  • SRC Member

They are pretty small and don't require as much oxygen as you do. Their movement through the sand also moves a bit of water with them.


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  • SRC Member

guys im just wondering...

the point of water change is to remove nitrate.... am i correct?

so the thing is... if i have a DSB(mature in 2 yrs i think) does it mean that i need not do a water change once my DSB has matured?

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  • SRC Member


Changing water is not just for removing excess nutrients. :nuke:

it is to replenish the nutrients used up in yr old tank water. :idea:

It also prevent ionic imbalance if u are someone that dose many kind of chemicals into yr tank.

Wei :idea:

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