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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 07 Oct 2013 - 13 Oct 2013

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flashing tilefish are cheap and beautiful, but do note that the flashing will lessen in captivity. they flash the most when stressed or when communicating with each other. so don't be disappointed if it doesn't display the same color changing abilities when settled nicely in your tank.

it's normal color is a light blue. and it will remain that color in a tank without flashing unless stressed. but still makes a nice fish to keep.

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Yes, its $18... Being a deeper water species, survivor rate is not high, plus its a jumper too...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Update at fish channel Super stable fishes from their display for sale! L Gem tangs from South Africa, floweri tang and a beautiful XL blueface angel. Other fishes in store are : many rock beauty angels, L king angel, paddlefin wrasse (beautiful addition for fowlr), garibaldi damsels, Argi angels, Flame wrasse male, golden domino damsel, emperor angel. Some sps frags for sales too.

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