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DELTEC SC2560 INTERNAL SKIMMER. (3 months old only!)


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DELTEC SC 2560. Like brand new! (Use only for 3 months)

PRICE $1600.

Deltec's new and innovative SC (Single chamber) range of in sump skimmers featuring Deltec's brand new high performance pump featuring class leading energy to air ratio. Super powerful skimming for aquarium up to 2400 litres.

Technical Data
- In Sump Version - Deltec SC 2560 - This stands for Single Chamber, body diameter 250mm and total height 600mm
- Significantly exceeds performance of AP902 (1200 lts of air - 230V)
- Total air produced - 1500-1600 lts/hour
- Power consumption 29W-31W
- Footprint 270mm by 330mm
- Depth of water in sump 180mm to 260mm
- Normal stocking 2000 liters heavy stocking 2400 liters
- Neck diameter 140mm
- Outlet pipe 50mm
- Patented Twn Chamber bubble chamber
- Tank Suitability 2000 lts heavy stocking 2400 lts normal stocking
- Remote drain of skimmer cup
- Air silencers
- Micro adjustable skimmer setting
- High water flow through the skimmer
- Optional self cleaning system
- New colour scheme
- No feed pump required, skimmer draws water directly from the sump

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