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Ideal place for anemone? Why won't attach itself?

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  • SRC Member

Hi All,

Just bought myself an anemone yesterday. It's the yellowish-green tentacles with purple/blue dots on its tips. Dunno what is the name. The LFS I bought from also don't know. Will take a pic with DC when I land my hands on one.

In the meantime, I have placed it in 3 different locations in my tank over the last 18 hours. Reason for the contant move is that the anemone doesn't seem happy. It doesn't attach itself to any of the nearby rocks or sandbed. Now, it's half shrunk and doesn't bloom fully.

Where is the best place to place anemones? Do they need strong current (one of the locations, the anemone just shrunk itself and started floating)? Most parts of my tank has ample light (using 2 x 150W MH; bought from Glare!!! :D )

My clowns seem to like it as they can be seen frolicking in the anemone. Now, it's more a question of how to make my anemone like it's home!

Thanks!!! :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

from wat i know they like to have some current

maybe they like to cling on places which have more rocks

btw be careful not to let them go near yr powerhead afriad that they might go in and die then yr tank finish

better monitor them

my tend to move more when the lights are off

try to get them in places which have stronger current

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  • SRC Member

you wouldn't know what they really want. You would want to just leave it alone. I have to little 10c sized anemones. One really contented at the top of the rock piles (near the light). The other keeps moving there and there but usually under a LR away from the light. Once in a while stretching out the get some light.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

Hi percula,

Thanks for the advice! :thanks:

I have a fair amount of rocks in my 3ft tank so there shouldn't be any problems with lack of place to cling to.

Problem now is that the anemone won't attach itself to anything. So, if I am to place it in a place with moderate to strong current, it ends up floating about!!! :angry:

I have left it in a place with rocks only to find it shrunk and semi-floating this morning. It did not attach itself to anything nor has it walked. I have since shifted it to another corner of my tank where there are more rocks and stronger current but I have had to swtich off one of my power heads to prevent it from floating around and hope that it attaches itself to the rocks in the meantime. :rolleyes:


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  • SRC Member
Hi percula,

Thanks for the advice! :thanks:

I have a fair amount of rocks in my 3ft tank so there shouldn't be any problems with lack of place to cling to.

Problem now is that the anemone won't attach itself to anything. So, if I am to place it in a place with moderate to strong current, it ends up floating about!!! :angry:

I have left it in a place with rocks only to find it shrunk and semi-floating this morning. It did not attach itself to anything nor has it walked. I have since shifted it to another corner of my tank where there are more rocks and stronger current but I have had to swtich off one of my power heads to prevent it from floating around and hope that it attaches itself to the rocks in the meantime. :rolleyes:


why move it?.. Like I say, leave it alone. You are gonna stress it more by contantly disturbing it. Maybe it just wants to swim.. :lol:

If it decides to attach, it will.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member
yup yup.. this one grown on sand.. u need to have a deep sandbed for them..

What is the name of this anemone?

If you look at the pics carefully, the anemone is now placed between two rocks, in a spot where there is ample sand for it's size. As you can see (partial) from the pics, there is a DSB of at least 4 inches.

You mean it will root itself in the sand?!

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  • SRC Member
u need to give it time for it to attach to the sandbed..

think u been moving it about that's why now still floating..

As I mentioned earlier, I placed it in another corner of the tank and left it over night but found semi-floating today. That's why I shifted it to another corner of the tank where it is slightly more spacious and has stronger current.

My powrer head creating the current is now switched off (others still on) to let the anemone try and attach itself.

Anyone can tell me the name?

P/S: Using three powerheads (1800l/hr, 1500l/hr and 1000l/hr with rotating head) The three power heads are switched on and off using electronic timer to try and simulate different current at different times of the day. Some short periods of the day, all three are on, most times, only two are on.

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  • SRC Member
Can anyone tell me the name of this anemone?

Also... ... :eyeblur::cry::( horrors of horrors, I just saw that part of the anemone's tentacles has shrunk and shrivelled up until like... they appear to be dried?!!! Will it bloom again?! Arghhh...!!! :cry::cry::cry:

It does grow back but you better monitor your water. Only time this happens to my anemones is when I add medications to the tank. Once I accidentally added some medication, which I'm not sure if its reef safe, the anemones like burnt. After doing water change and added lots of carbon, they sorta heal. May take few days though.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member


I have 3 anemone in my 4ft Tank.

Pink Anemone, Red Carpet and normal brown.

In the begining it is very difficult to get anemone stikcs to LR.

Worst still I have 2 X 2200 L/hr PH in the tank.

What I usually do, put a few small LR in the sump.

Quarantine the anemone in the sump for a few days till it stiks itself to the LR.

Once it hase stick itself, move the anemone and LR into your main tank.

You need to place it in a place where there is not much current.

At least now the anemone station at one place, but it will not stay put there. It will slowly migrate from one LR to another till it find it best home.

May be you can try the above method.

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  • SRC Member
Only time this happens to my anemones is when I add medications to the tank. Once I accidentally added some medication, which I'm not sure if its reef safe, the anemones like burnt. After doing water change and added lots of carbon, they sorta heal. May take few days though.

I do not dose any medication into my tank. Only food soaked in Seachem's Garlic Guard (and minute quantities of AZ-NO3 that is dosed in my sump).

My anemone doesn't appear burnt, just shrivelled, much like our skin when soaked in water for long time. Colour still retains, just size different.

:thanks: Bro sugi for the suggestion. Will monitor my anemone and try if it does not settle.

Can anyone help ID my anemone? :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

Could it be lights? So far u haven't mention the lights used. They need strong light besides current. They also need good water parameters. Fussy little fellas..

In any case, try not to "place" them cos they will find their own place. Then u move your corals away accordingly. They call the shots, man..

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  • SRC Member

Thought I mentioned in the 1st page that I am using 2 x 150W MH lights?

Lighting should be no problem for my tank size, I think.

Currently, I do not have any other corals. It was a FOWLR tank until I introduced the anemone. If what other bros here said is true, and this (until now still dunno what name) anemone stay on the sand, there shouldn't be too much problem as I have alot of places for it to walk around on the sandbed.

Only problem for me is... until now, the anemone has not walked or attached itself to anything at all!!! :(

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Anemones that are happy on the sand have their foot anchored on the glass bottom of your tank. Yes, it's true. Even if your sandbed is more than 4 inches thick. There's no way to remove them without disturbing your sandbed.

Anemones that move about alot, you should leave them be. Let them DECIDE for themselves where the perfect spot with the right amount of currents & light is. You can't make an anemone stay in the spot you dictate, they are not corals. They are living animals. That is why anemones are not recommended for reef tanks but species only tanks.

An anemone that is shrivelled & rolling about and refuses to adhere to a surface usually means that the anemone's not well. You better monitor it carefully and see if your tank parameters are in order.

Anemones are not recommended to be kept by hobbyists in general unless you can give them their own tank suited for their needs.

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