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How to acclimate live stock to new light set?

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I am planning to swop 6 tubes (24W each) of T5 with 1 x 250w (14k) MH.

Read about horror story where corals start to bleach out. Would like to seek advise on how to acclimate corals, fish & invertebrates to new light sets.

Currently, running 10 hours light cycle.

1hr - 2 tubes

8hr - 6 tubes

1hr - 2 tubes

6 x 24W = 144W

Reason of change: time to change tubes $30x6=$180 > MH bulb ~$100x1 (yes I am aware the electric bill will increase but the wattage also doubled so happier tank happier reefer)

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You still need T5 at least 2 tube best 4 tube for better colour. I would recommand on 2 tube T5 for 2 hours first follow by MH 1 hours then T5. Slowly increase the hour of MH. Maybe first week slowly increase to 3 hour following next week then 5 hour max

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You still need T5 at least 2 tube best 4 tube for better colour. I would recommand on 2 tube T5 for 2 hours first follow by MH 1 hours then T5. Slowly increase the hour of MH. Maybe first week slowly increase to 3 hour following next week then 5 hour max
My tank is only 2 feet, will try to squeeze in the T5. How about hang the MH higher and gradually lower it? Some say use egg crate to diffuse the light, anyone done that?
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My tank is only 2 feet, will try to squeeze in the T5. How about hang the MH higher and gradually lower it? Some say use egg crate to diffuse the light, anyone done that?

Both lower MH and Egg Crate will work.

I prefer the formal as it is more gradual, try to do it within a minimum period of 7-10 days as any shorter may not be too ideal.

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With just few hours under MH, I am convinced that corals (especially SPS) are definitely better under metal halide (vs T5).

First time I can seen polyps near the base of this purple valida frag! Feel they were so deprived under the T5s.


However, I find the shimmering effect a little annoying. (Will get use soon)

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dont worry about using MH with T5.. MH alone is sufficient enough depending on the brand and K bulb u use.

the tank looks good!

like what the others said, shortern the photo period and slowly increase will avoid shock to your corals.

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dont worry about using MH with T5.. MH alone is sufficient enough depending on the brand and K bulb u use. the tank looks good! like what the others said, shortern the photo period and slowly increase will avoid shock to your corals.
Thank you for the advise. I am using Phoenix 14k (recommended by DELightings). I started with 15 inch above waterline for 5 hours. Following day lowered to 12 inch above waterline for 6 hours. Next going to increase the photo period to 7 hours (today). Planning to increase an hour every 3 days until I reach 10 hours. Finally, will lower to about 9~10 inch above waterline.
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Phoenix is a great DE bulb. Start a tank thread. You got a nice tank going.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4

Thank you. My tank now looks like a frag tank (except that the frags are on rock, not rack). Will probably start a tank thread when the frags become small colonies.

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