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My first marine tank


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  • SRC Member

Hi all,

I put six clown fish inside, is it will influence the bacteria grow??

it's very very risky. You should have only put in one or two considering this is your second (or third) week of cycling, and your cycle may not have been completed and there may not have been enough bacteria to handle the bio load. Usually the norm is to wait a month to cycle if you're not using test kits. Clownfish are hardy fish so hopefully they don't die!

Anyways how big is your tank? 6 clownfish is A LOT if your tank is smaller in size. They'll fight for territory when they grow older.

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  • SRC Member

This six clown fish already 1 week, still very ok.

Then no worries. With your tank size your clown fish shouldn't be fighting too. The only problem I forsee is that your clownfish would bully new tank additions, but that depends on the individual character of your fish. Good luck with your new tank!

Just curious, but do you plan to add corals? Adding anemone would be nice too, especially with clownfish to host them :D

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  • SRC Member

Ic, what type of coral cheap and easy to keep?

for first timers mushroom and cheaper zoanthids, then can progress to soft corals, then LPS an finally SPS once you have grasped reefing completely. mushrooms and zoanthids are more forgiving so they are good to start of with
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  • SRC Member

If you're gonna start of corals wait at least a month after the cycle cos corals are not as forgiving to fish, and by then your water should be stable enough to support them. And make sure any medication you add to the tank doesn't contain copper. Also ensure that you have the appropriate chemicals needed (mainly a calcium and magnesium source, and a pH riser) and the test kits needed to control their quantity :) hope you find this useful!

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  • SRC Member

Today buy the test kit for water testing......

good! :thumbsup: it's already 3weeks since you started so your cycle is most likely over already. Any new stocking plans now?

Dream big, achieve bigger

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  • SRC Member

bro remember key to success is patience. Don't rush for live stock but i can truly understand that part if you are dying to stock up.



Maxspect Gyre

Maxspect Razer 120w 16k

H2O FR with Rowa

Eheim Universal 2400

BM Nac 5.5

JBJ Arctica 1/10Hp

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