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Nomination for SRC Tank Of The Quarter

I love angel

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No disrespect to the seniors who have been in this hobby for many years. But I do agree that all of us in this hobby are guilty one way or the other. How big a tank is considered big enough for the corals & fishes alike? Some say 5ft, some 6ft, some 8ft. And some did as small as a jar! For corals, there are mentions that as long as it grows without fading their natural colours they are considered healthy. For fishes, there are mentions stating that once they are stressed, they show signs of sickness. Other than that they will be fine. 1 thing that I learn in this hobby is that it is no different than having any other animals as pets. As long as one is RESPONSIBLE in keeping their pets healthy with all his might & effort, continue doing what he is doing. Be it a mixed reef, full SPS, FOWLR, I believe all of us in this hobby REALLY ensure that the livestock are taken care of & MAKING SURE with all their might making them happy. In fact, there are also mentions that said each individual livestock had their own character. Doesn't mean one reefer's humongous tang in a rather small tank is healthy & stress free, it can happen to another reefer. Enough said. Kudos to all the reefers whom have the luxury in having a big tank to provide ample space for their livestocks. And kudos to all whom managed to have healthy & happy livestocks in a tank size where many have doubts in. Happy reefing bros and sis.

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It is always the reef tank (SPS or mixed reef tank) is the winner for the SRC tank of the Quarter.


It is a time for change and time for a FOWLR tank to become the winner.


I sugguest this two tanks by Sherman Chin.  He have one angel tank with beautiful large angels and achilles tank with a few achilles tangs (XXL size) with Gem tang living together.


Angel tank:




Achilles tang and Gem tang tank:



I believe he is from Singapore. If he is in Singapore, he have the quality of TOQ, only TFC display tank are comparable to his tanks.


He have my deam tanks. Mod, please do not disappoint the FOWLR lovers in the forum.

Very nice tank deserved to be the next TQTM nice queen angel very blue in coral and amazing AT. Maybe FOWLR tank should has some nice fake coral sps spray with colour would look like like rws one. Or real coral.

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I believe his tank is definitely deserve to be TOTM winner...not all of us here can manage to keep their fishes as he has kept so happy and healthy. ..just look at his AT tank...how many of you here dare to try 5 AT in a single tank??? Well he did it...really deserve to have the title...TOTM. ..cheers for your beautiful tank bro...

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I believe his tank is definitely deserve to be TOTM winner...not all of us here can manage to keep their fishes as he has kept so happy and healthy. ..just look at his AT tank...how many of you here dare to try 5 AT in a single tank??? Well he did it...really deserve to have the title...TOTM. ..cheers for your beautiful tank bro...

any idea how he kept ich under control? QT? copper?

it will be more impressive if those AT are in a reef tank

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any idea how he kept ich under control? QT? copper?

it will be more impressive if those AT are in a reef tank

That I dont know bro...I also will like to know how he can keep the ich under control....wish I can keep 5AT in my tank too...very beautiful...really admire his tank...swee swee

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ame="marine reefer" post="1134008" timestamp="1379987657"]Bro u never see his sig meh? 4ft shallow tank. If a 6ft by 2.5ft by 2.5ft is small, then his tiny 4ft shallow is a pico tank, still dare put 2 tangs in the pico tank, not scare ppl tulan.

Oh I didnt see his tank specs bro...wa like that his tank so much smaller still say other people...that teaches us not to say others when you yourself also doing the same thing...

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lol, evolutionz now pop.

i believe as long as livestock are healthy and no dying we are doing good since we cannot assume they are happy or unhappy. so, they healthy and we happy is most important!


The spirit of sharing...

always remember forum is like its name - forum

Singapore Reef Club – We are an online discussion community which aim to provide quality information about setting up and keeping a marine reef aquarium. By joining us as a members, you will be able to learn and share your experience in this hobby and at the same time making some friends here !! We hope by educating the public about the marine hobby, we will be able to create greater awareness of the fragility of our coral reefs as well as loving each and every living fish / corals we purchase as a responsible reefer.

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Oh I didnt see his tank specs bro...wa like that his tank so much smaller still say other people...that teaches us not to say others when you yourself also doing the same thing...

Agreed. Some kids just like to say whatever they like without thinking if they are guilty themselves. :thumbdown:

"Kiang jiu ho mai kei kiang"

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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Opinion is one thing bro...but to make such comments is definitely not nice...what is a torture to fishes????

The term torture is his opinion. Yes it is not nice, but there is no need to flame him am I right? :) everyone has and will always have their own opinions. To correct someome is one thing, to intentionally flame is another.

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Guy, I believe he know his mistake. Let it past. Let us nominated our friends tank for the next TQTM since this thread is about nomination for src tank of the quater. Cheers and move on.

+1,after all everyone join this forum are for this wonderful hobby.

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We are living in Asia, not states. Try going to HK forum and tell them that they are torturing the fishes in a small 6ft tank, they will say u siao!

I fully agree with you, however, there definitely is a better way to resolve this other than criticising the remark that was stated.

We are all here to learn more from each other, not to put each other down.

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I kind of noticed that we dun have much replica corals to put inside our tank. I think the show fish tank king and tanked inspired me that not only live corals can make a tank awesome. Sometimes unique and special ornaments can make a fish only tank beautiful in its own way.

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I fully agree with you, however, there definitely is a better way to resolve this other than criticising the remark that was stated. We are all here to learn more from each other, not to put each other down.
Its called respect for one another. U dont see us fish lover going to tell reefers that they are torturing the corals by cutting them up, do u? If he dont respect my bro over here, i dont see the reason why i should do that too.
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I kind of noticed that we dun have much replica corals to put inside our tank. I think the show fish tank king and tanked inspired me that not only live corals can make a tank awesome. Sometimes unique and special ornaments can make a fish only tank beautiful in its own way.

Yup ahhyi,I can imagine a 633 or even bigger with these nice replica corals should be :thumbsup:

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I believe the thread starter had the courtesy to nominate the FOWLR tank for TOTQ but he criticised the tank and shot the thread starter down by stating:

"IMO keeping so many ocean fishes in a small 6ft tank is torture to the fishes."

I don't see how this is not related to the thread since after all, this thread is about nominating the FOWLR tank itself.

And by doing so, he is not showing respect to not only the thread starter, but the owner of the tank as well.

I hope he will have the manhood enough to give an apology to those who were offended by his remarks, or at least give him the chance to explain the reason for stating such comments.

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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