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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 16 Sep 2013 - 22 Sep 2013

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may i know what wrasse is this n price? thanks.uote name="Slayer213" post="1132930" timestamp="1379483885"] Iwarna @ 1400:

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Coralfarm @ 1530:

Huge AT, 4-5inch kole tangs, flame angels, lemon peel, porter, 1x8inch 2x1.5inch black tangs... Plus the usual fishes...




Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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  • Senior Reefer

Coralfarm @ 1530:

Huge AT, 4-5inch kole tangs, flame angels, lemon peel, porter, 1x8inch 2x1.5inch black tangs... Plus the usual fishes...

i see a Bodianus neopercularis from Marshall islands as well.

there were 4. not sure how many left.

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Philippines shipment tomorrow morning at Iwarna. Bodianus sepiacaudus Possum wrasse Blue eye cardinal Severnsi pencil wrasse Lanternfish Ruby Red dragonet (FCFS limited pcs, most to be exported) Pink streak wrasse Philippine flame angels Flame x sherpadi Sherpadi angels White cap goby & shrimp pairs Misc inverts

Always something more important than fish.


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  • Senior Reefer

Rarities just landed at iwarna

- red ruby dragonets. Brand new undescribed species of dragonets that are intense red in color. More info read here: http://reefbuilders.com/2013/06/12/wine-red-dragonets-coolest-critters-hit/

- Philippine flame angels. 10 pieces all 1-2 inch juvenile. Excellent size. One 5 cent coin size for the lucky reefer. Philippine flame angels r more orange and less red.

- 3 pieces of flame x rusty angel hybrids

- 1 piece of lemonpeel x vroliki angel hybrid from Cebu

- bellus angelfish females

- 4 pairs of whitecap gobies with shrimp. Limited pieces only

- Bodianus sepiacaudus

Other standard fare include

- two spot blenny (Ecsenius bimaculatus)

- tail spot blenny

- pinstripe wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ataenia)

- tanakai and nigropinnata possum wrasses

- bluestriped pipefish

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any idea the price of red ruby dragonets?
Red rubies are going for 2blues for a male, 1blue1red for a female.... A pair M/F is 3blue...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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