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Bloated eye

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nope..just that the eye is bloated/ pop out and its not active anymore. it just lie beside a rock most of the time. sometime swim a little and then go back the same stop again. i have a pair of sebae clown in my tank only and it only hit the female one. the male is swimming happily i wonder if any guy have that issue before and if there is a way to treat it? thanks

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I checked the eye already but it's not cloudy just that it's swollen...I ask ah beng about it, he told me is because infection..he said not to worry just make sure water is clean then a week or what you heal back...I brought NSW for a shop in the west then change water after that, one of my clown eye swollen already so I think ah beng might be correct so I did a 20% water change yesterday...hope it will get well soon

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Its going to take a long while to cure.meantime observe it closely too.

Do not treat if not sure what it is,bcos we tend to guess wrongly mostly.

Your WC regime should continue and decides wisely.my two cents only.

Got an experience long time ago,fyi,my fish didnt cure fully,its eye had

improve only a little.hope yours be cured fully.

Happy always!

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Thanks bro for your advice...my clown after 3days the swelling seems to be the same but it is get more and more active and eating very well now..just hope that it will heal by it's own...

So your fish's eye still swollen after very long time?

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