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  • SRC Member

Some equipments now :yahoo:

1. Eheim 1260 return pump. Previously used Jebao DC 3500, it malfunctioned, motor got screwed wont spin.

2. Jebao WP25 wavemaker

3. Coralife UV steriliser 9Watts with Hydor pico 1000 feed pump (< 10 Watts)

4. LEDs from Eshine Aquasun CREE 36x3W. At the moment can't cover fully 4 feet as its meant for 3 feet. Maybe need two or upgrade. But at the moment, still very good.

5. Skimmer - Deltec APF600 (I think), replaced the noisy Aquabee with Red Devil skimmer pump. Feed with Atman pump

6. Koralia nano wavemaker in sump-skimmer compartment to prevent detritus from settling down.

7. Spare red devil pump meant for chiller (not running at the moment)

8. CFL for refugium.

9. Sponge filter - for quarantine use

10. Digital temperature reader

Initial cycling done with Seachem Stability - managed to cycle within 3 weeks. Got used dry rocks from another reefer here and a couple live rocks. I use sand from CaribSea mix (recommend for those wanna keep mandarins). Using the refugium setup with chaeto. Seems to grow really well with simple CFL. around 4 inch refugium sandbed. Pods really like chaeto.

As for livestocks:

1. Dogface puffer

2. Green mandarin

3. Blue/green chromis x 5

4. Adult Emperor angelfish

5. Peculiar parrotfish

6. Foxface rabbitfish

7. Normal clownfish x 2

8. Pink spotted watchman Goby

9. Red coris wrasse adult

10. Bicolor drawf angel - blue yellow

11. Leapord wrasse, bought recently but rarely see it nowadays, haha.

12. Carpet anemone, blue sponge, leather coral and GSP. Also some CUC (needs replacements as it becomes food for dogface)

Chemicals and media:

1. Redsea NoPox, previously tried but nitrate still not low, maybe not for FOWLR setup.

2. Biosphere bag in skimmer

3. Sponge filter after refugium compartment, see earlier photos

4. Redsea A, B, C (seldom use, if use its mainly A and B)

Wow too long post, sorry. :groupwavereversed:

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  • SRC Member

Very nicely done bro. But be careful of leopard wrasse, they are some bungy jumping dare devil =)



Maxspect Gyre

Maxspect Razer 120w 16k

H2O FR with Rowa

Eheim Universal 2400

BM Nac 5.5

JBJ Arctica 1/10Hp

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  • SRC Member

Just seeking opinions. Do you think a 1/10 hp arctics brand new chiller will suffice? Total volume around 250litres and after using JBJ calculator, recommended size is 1/10. Anyone uses arctics 1/10 for similar volume? Does it kick in more often..

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah. not first time buying 110 Vac stuffs.

how much is the cheapest brand new 1/10 arctica here in SG?

For 1/10hp, you can get brand new Hailea HS-28A from Petmart at 300 that I am currently using it. For arctica chiller, so far never buy new one in my 10 years reefing except 2nd hand.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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