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cloudy water - please help


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Hi Bro's / Sis's, just a newbie question. Just started cycle my tank 2 days ago.. and yesterday notice that the water is very cloudy... like PSI 500 and above .... is it normal for the water to become that cloudy during cycle stage? do i need to put in a skimmer during cycle stage?

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oh thank you tonight will use my skimmer ...
there's only live rock and sand and a pcs of market prawn in the tank and running on Atman 5000l/h as return pump and a seio 620 wave maker

but the water is very cloudy ... is that normal?

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  • SRC Member

during ANN stages..there wil be increase in BB thus...wat it means is there is too much bacteria. which also means u r coming to the end of the cycling stages. Next thing to do is to do partoial WC. and you are good to go with livestock. But of coz beta to test water first. At least test NO3 if you really wanna save money

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during ANN stages..there wil be increase in BB thus...wat it means is there is too much bacteria. which also means u r coming to the end of the cycling stages. Next thing to do is to do partoial WC. and you are good to go with livestock. But of coz beta to test water first. At least test NO3 if you really wanna save money

coming to the end of cycling?? so fast? my tank only cycle including today 3 days... don dare to put anything in first... think i wait for another 2 to 3 week and see whether my water will be clear and not cloudy than i test the water .. don wan to risk any livestock... even a tubeworm die i will feel heart pain.. :(

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  • SRC Member

The cycle goes like ammonia. Thats where we introduce quickstart BB or MP shell or sumthing. so as to have ammonia in the tank. This cultivates BB that breaks it down to NO2 den NO3. Normally bacteria bloom is where there is a spike in BB. This may also happen sometimes after water change.

But if its just 3 days...maybe not bateria bloom. Old man cun read properlly that u just cycle for 3 days.

The question now is did u test the salinity? cloudness can be casued also but the sand or the salt mix.

I see u wash the sand, honestly from so many years of sand washing...it is almost impossible to wash the sand....

The question also if the the cloudness started from day 1? How did you pour the water in? How many times u rinse the sand? active carbon do not remove solid particulas from the water. It removes chemicals...so if its due to your sand den maybe serves no propose. But its still good practice to use active carbon to remove all chemicals irregardless

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The cycle goes like ammonia. Thats where we introduce quickstart BB or MP shell or sumthing. so as to have ammonia in the tank. This cultivates BB that breaks it down to NO2 den NO3. Normally bacteria bloom is where there is a spike in BB. This may also happen sometimes after water change.

But if its just 3 days...maybe not bateria bloom. Old man cun read properlly that u just cycle for 3 days.

The question now is did u test the salinity? cloudness can be casued also but the sand or the salt mix.

I see u wash the sand, honestly from so many years of sand washing...it is almost impossible to wash the sand....

The question also if the the cloudness started from day 1? How did you pour the water in? How many times u rinse the sand? active carbon do not remove solid particulas from the water. It removes chemicals...so if its due to your sand den maybe serves no propose. But its still good practice to use active carbon to remove all chemicals irregardless

the salinity is 1.023

yup i cant say that the sand is very clean i rinse it until i see almost clear water... so its possible its the sand that cause it... and i mix the salt mix in my main tank about 3/4 full, putting a pump inside to help stir and dissolve the salt for 3 days so that the water will not overflow into my sump and mix the rest of the water in a few pails for 3 days which is to be added in after i placed my live rock and sand in..and i slowly scoop and pour the water in using a small pail into my main tank and let it overflow into my sump and on the return pump to let it have circulation. the water is still quite clear in the afternoon not so cloudy until i throw in a whole piece of market prawn into the tank on sunday night and monday morning the water is already very cloudy .. and there is abit of weird smell as well ... :sick:

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the salinity is 1.023

yup i cant say that the sand is very clean i rinse it until i see almost clear water... so its possible its the sand that cause it... and i mix the salt mix in my main tank about 3/4 full, putting a pump inside to help stir and dissolve the salt for 3 days so that the water will not overflow into my sump and mix the rest of the water in a few pails for 3 days which is to be added in after i placed my live rock and sand in..and i slowly scoop and pour the water in using a small pail into my main tank and let it overflow into my sump and on the return pump to let it have circulation. the water is still quite clear in the afternoon not so cloudy until i throw in a whole piece of market prawn into the tank on sunday night and monday morning the water is already very cloudy .. and there is abit of weird smell as well ... :sick:

ooh..tat clears abit. What happens at least from our end is we do salt mix in a pail. We dun really bother too much on how much salt to pour in. In a huge arse pail. those used for chemical.

We will leave the salt mix over night min or maybe 2 days...the water is still chalky. when we pump the salt mix into the tank. it clears up some how.

This can be used as a future refernce. pump the water in from the sump to the return pump. why:

1. u dun stir up crap from the sandbed

2. at least the fluctuation in water parameter is more buffered as new water goes in from sump. instead of larger volume poured direct into the display tank.

Why the smell....hmm. either ur water is not cirulating enough (u have a small pump i read to mix the salt, which can be another cause to stire crap from the sand bed) Try not to stir too much sand once ur tank is establish.

Most likely the BB has not broken down the ammonia fast enough...if you realise as well...for reference in future. Establish tanks will not have too much smell in the display tank even if there are fishes that died inside.

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yeah... my water is clear now no more cloudy..

so when can i take out the market prawn?? after cycling is done??

leave it inside for maybe 1 wkish 2 maybe. remove the MP...let the tank run together with skimmer and the full works of ur filteration. for 1 wk. do partial WC. den another week. den lower the percentage of WC..leave it for mayb 3 day or so. test the water.

Nitrate shd go sumthing likemaybe 25 - 50/100 range den down to 25 if not 0 will be the best.

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ooh..tat clears abit. What happens at least from our end is we do salt mix in a pail. We dun really bother too much on how much salt to pour in. In a huge arse pail. those used for chemical.

We will leave the salt mix over night min or maybe 2 days...the water is still chalky. when we pump the salt mix into the tank. it clears up some how.

This can be used as a future refernce. pump the water in from the sump to the return pump. why:

1. u dun stir up crap from the sandbed

2. at least the fluctuation in water parameter is more buffered as new water goes in from sump. instead of larger volume poured direct into the display tank.

Why the smell....hmm. either ur water is not cirulating enough (u have a small pump i read to mix the salt, which can be another cause to stire crap from the sand bed) Try not to stir too much sand once ur tank is establish.

Most likely the BB has not broken down the ammonia fast enough...if you realise as well...for reference in future. Establish tanks will not have too much smell in the display tank even if there are fishes that died inside.

thank you bro .. all the points noted.

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leave it inside for maybe 1 wkish 2 maybe. remove the MP...let the tank run together with skimmer and the full works of ur filteration. for 1 wk. do partial WC. den another week. den lower the percentage of WC..leave it for mayb 3 day or so. test the water.

Nitrate shd go sumthing likemaybe 25 - 50/100 range den down to 25 if not 0 will be the best.

so for now i don run the skimmer first?

after 1 or 2 week than run the skimmer?

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just curious, is there a diff which goes in which first? normally i think my parents add salt to water. let the stand for 1 night at least. can see the water is cloudy.

Adding water to salt will cause the precipitation of some elements, which is not desirable. Therefore, adding salt to water is much more feasible

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