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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 9 Sep 2013 - 15 Sep 2013

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As of yesterday before closing, pinnacle still have one large and small belize queen, cortez angel, many bartlett anthias, baby black tang, lion fish, clown tang ect .. Also still have various Australia coral left, scoly, acan and zoas ect..

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As of yesterday before closing, pinnacle still have one large and small belize queen, cortez angel, many bartlett anthias, baby black tang, lion fish, clown tang ect .. Also still have various Australia coral left, scoly, acan and zoas ect..

hey bro, mind sharing price range of those Australian corals?

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Mandaring orange zoanthids now available at iwarna frag room, healthy specimen... Frags going at 2blues per frag...

Mother colony:


Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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  • SRC Member
Mandaring orange zoanthids now available at iwarna frag room, healthy specimen... Frags going at 2blues per frag... Mother colony: attachicon.gifhttp://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=202372'>image.jpg
Extremely rare Zoas, can't remember when's the last time I c mandarin orange in LFS, Good to c it in, anymore jems?
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  • SRC Member
As of yesterday before closing, pinnacle still have one large and small belize queen, cortez angel, many bartlett anthias, baby black tang, lion fish, clown tang ect .. Also still have various Australia coral left, scoly, acan and zoas ect..
Happen to know the how many red notes for thr Belize Queen small?
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As of 6pm, no more small belize queen...

Left x1 Big queen, x1 7" King, and one cortez (adult)

Queen and King FEEDING on seaweed and pellets....

This shipment fishes condition is very good...

All fishes feeding the very next day.


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