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no ammonia will bacteria die?


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hi guys, i had pass a 2 weeks of cycling of my tank but i left the tank run for another 2 weeks just to be sure that the parameter is stable. now mark my one month tank already and all the parameter is stable already but i wish to like to cycle for maybe another 2 weeks to a month. so do i need to add any ammonia source like dead prawn or stuffs? if there is no ammonia in the water, will the bacteria slowly die off?

Thanks if anyone can give me some advice=)

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I already put 1 pc market prawn to kick start the cycle on the 1st day of my tank. after 2 week,. I put another prawn. So now i wanna know whether do i still need to add prawn if i wanna let it run for another 2week to a month time cause now my tank ammonia is0--nitrite is 0--nitrate is around 20ppm. so im afraid that if i let my tank keep cycling without ammonia, all the bacteria will die off. hope to get some advices. thank you

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I already put 1 pc market prawn to kick start the cycle on the 1st day of my tank. after 2 week,. I put another prawn. So now i wanna know whether do i still need to add prawn if i wanna let it run for another 2week to a month time cause now my tank ammonia is0--nitrite is 0--nitrate is around 20ppm. so im afraid that if i let my tank keep cycling without ammonia, all the bacteria will die off. hope to get some advices. thank you

based on this concept...if less fish in the tank means less BB? no rite....but by increasing the livestock means increase in bioload..means more BB to handle....yes it is correct. which means spike in nitrate....hence if you read, everyone is sugguesting slowly stocking ur tank instead of dump like 10 fishes in at one go. coz ur filteration may not be able to handle the search in bioload. It is the same theory.

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Yes. The smount of bacteria depends on

1. The constant flow of loads, ammonia. It will adjust to maintain zero ammonia by either dieing or growing.provided (2) is met.

2. The amount of home for bacteria to grow. Home means media such as rocks, sands, filter media, etc

To speed up the grow of bacteria,

1. Seed the new tank with old bacteria in a mature tank.

Eg. Live rocks for lfs, dose bacteria, or get old and dry filter media.

2. Still need to put the source of ammonia regularly. That is why the instruction of the bottles of bacteria call the users to put at a certain days interval.

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