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Is this Ich?

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Hi all, can someone help me verify if my Xiao Mei has kena ich? If she kena then I plan to do the following....

1. Hospitalise her in another tank

2. Fresh water dip for 10mins each day

3. Feed garlic

4. Pray

Anything else I should do? What happens to my main tank? Do I have to disinfect the tank?

Thanks :cry::cry::cry:


Why all the venom? Reefing is just a hobby, dude.

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My two clowns (given by my inexperienced fren) infected with white spots or ich (i dunno) I think the shop LS not that good.

I isolate them in quarantine tank and feed pure garlic juice with mysis shrimp... 2 a day and then the next day illness gone liao

I then trf them to the main tank and they seems so happy now? :D

thanks for the tips here :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

I used to own a cowfish once and it has the same white spot initially. A freshwater dip will help. This is easy as the fish is easy to catch. My was cured after 1 week of FW dip and grew to about 10 cm before it was too big and I give it away. Now, I think it is in Turkey!

I think (marine) therefore I am

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Yah, did a FWD. I think its more stressed by the net than the dip. The spots on the body are gone but still a few specks on the fins. Hmmm.... Btw, I think we should always remind newbies to prepare a cycled vaccination/hospital tank. Damn regret not having one man.

Why all the venom? Reefing is just a hobby, dude.

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