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I duno if its a bug or is it by mistake... I hope its mistake, so, please wait awhile for it to load before you hit the post button, again and again and again... Please do not spam your postings... 1 post is enough, we can all see it... Posting 4,5,6 times doesnt make ur posting more appealing... Its pretty annoying for us with email notification to go thru 6 similar postings... Thanks! And happy reefing...

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Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Hi Slayer,

Thanks for bringing this up, and some time the moderator and i had to delete the multi post one by one. Especially if you are starting a new topic by phone / tapatalk wait for it to load before clicking on the button again.

Thanks all for the co-operation and it will make our job easier. :thumbsup:

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  • SRC Member

I had the same experience recently when using Tapatalk.

I think when we send a reply with lousy reception, the App may send with error which makes us send another time. Not knowing Tapatalk actually registers the first input, it results in multiple entries

2 Feet Tank: (Decom Feb 2015)
-Lightings : Pharos LED light 90W with wireless controller
-Chiller : Arctica 1/10HP with H2Ocean Flow Pump 2000

-Wavemaker : Vortech MP10ES
-Skimmer : Bubble Magus NAC 3.5

-Return Pump : Eheim Compact 3000
-Reactor – TLF150 (Mod) with NP Biopellet
-Reactor – TLF150 with Rowaphos

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This multipost is due to when thread starter click de post button, halfway thru the page stop responding. So when he click refresh, it's like clicking post, again. So what we can do is to click back and go the main page, refresh at the main page to c if ur post is up. If not juz post again..

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  • SRC Member

yes yes, I agree too. Maybe there should be a minimum number of words before they can post? Else they will easily post hundreds with 'good tank' 'love to see more' etc...

2 Feet Tank: (Decom Feb 2015)
-Lightings : Pharos LED light 90W with wireless controller
-Chiller : Arctica 1/10HP with H2Ocean Flow Pump 2000

-Wavemaker : Vortech MP10ES
-Skimmer : Bubble Magus NAC 3.5

-Return Pump : Eheim Compact 3000
-Reactor – TLF150 (Mod) with NP Biopellet
-Reactor – TLF150 with Rowaphos

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